Recent content by Strong in Him

  1. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    No, I mean your claims that NASA are liars and "full of fakery and lies." You've chosen to post a YouTube clip from someone who actually works at NASA and have said that he's "ok." So clearly your previous statements were false.
  2. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    Again, no evidence for your claims. But at least you have changed from saying "all of NASA" to "most of the top dogs". That's some progress.
  3. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    Well the 2 scientists that you quoted say that both exist. So not everyone who works at NASA is a liar, then.
  4. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    You said in one thread that space doesn't exist and another time you said that planets are wandering stars.
  5. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    Geoff MacHarg works at NASA. The 2 scientists you quoted write about space and planets - you deny that either exist.
  6. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    So not all scientists, astronomers and those who explore space are liars then? Good to know.
  7. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, it still is a swear word. A very tame one these days, and some might deny that it is one. But anyway.
  8. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    A lot of the time, yes. It can have that other meaning though. As in "the bloody tower" in the Tower of London.
  9. Strong in Him

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    And so can personal testimony. "Jesus healed me and answered my prayers" can provoke interest, and questions, too. That woman didn't ask a question to get your interest. You were in a tutorial/seminar and had chosen to be there. She doubtless wanted to know what you already knew before she...
  10. Strong in Him

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    Doesn't matter. If they don't believe, and don't want to believe, they won't engage in discussion anyway. But at least you would have witnessed - "Jesus is alive and has done this for me." You will have planted a seed that might well be watered by others, and grow. Up to you. But it's best to...
  11. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    I wouldn't use the first word. The second can just mean "covered in blood" - or maybe someone with blood on their hands, which is possibly what the KJV is referring to. As someone has said, context is important.
  12. Strong in Him

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    If you think the best way to talk about Jesus, God's love, heaven, the Gospel etc is to begin with a controversial subject like creation; that's up to you. Personally, I wouldn't. If asked, I would say that it's a big topic and there are various opinions depending on how you interpret the...
  13. Strong in Him

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    I don't know. If you were ever in that situation, that would be for you to work out: lie to non Christians in order to preach the Gospel or be upfront about what you believe and deal with any difficulties which may come from that. Flat earth/moon landings are nothing at all to do with...
  14. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    There you go again; more judgement. Although I didn't take the oath when I did jury service - being mindful of the verse "do not swear by heaven for it is God's throne ..... all you need say is simply "yes" or "no," Matthew 5:34-37.
  15. Strong in Him

    Another look at the moon landing.

    It is, I don't like it and it's not funny to laugh at something that someone else finds offensive. Christians using 4 letter words is not a good witness.