Stood with God

I am basically a renaissance man, I am greatly gifted, and can do many things. I have stood with God in heaven, when I stopped breathing in my sleep. That was really crazy. When I died as an infant, God brought me back from that. He saved my life 20-30 times now, and put the holy spirit on me. God called my name in his majestic voice, and showed me things in heaven, I don't know why exactly. I don't like to foretell deaths, but that is what the spirit that was put on me made me do. I have never been wrong. But it does make me feel guilty. We were beaten and tortured for 14 long years growing up, but that earned us grace in the sight of God. Being innocent and suffering so very much. It took me many years to figure out, that is why he kept saving my life. I know it was not all in vain.

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non fiction writer
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