Recent content by sccs

  1. S

    Does Christian fellowship / community mean that we must all live, sleep, work, and eat together 24/7?

    When I was in college, I was part of a vibrant college ministry. Many of its members used to live in the same dorm and we had times of fellowship, breaking bread, praying for each other, doing homework, laughing, joking, and just living life together. We invited non-believers in to our group to...
  2. S

    Is there goodness in culture's definition of men and women even if the Bible remains silent on it?

    I'm not entirely convinced by simply using this passage in particular. It does not define what is men's clothing and what is women's clothing. What may be men's clothing in one culture may be women's clothing in another or in another time period. The Bible nowhere defines "Men shall wear...
  3. S

    Is there goodness in culture's definition of men and women even if the Bible remains silent on it?

    How should a Christian parent think about cultural or societal differences between men and women in parenting their children? What I mean is this: suppose my five-year old son wants to wear a dress to school or my teenage daughter wants to go topless at the beach because "boys can do that." What...
  4. S

    Is it a sin to miss church service?

    I understand the necessity of meeting regularly with the local church, worshipping together, praising the Lord, serving, and administering the sacraments. However, how necessary is it to faithfully attend service every week and what would be certain exception sin which missing a service is...
  5. S

    Does dating/marrying a non-Christian disqualifying for serving on the music team?

    Let's say someone is a Christian (or at least a professing Christian) and has been serving on the music team. Does dating a non-Christian disqualify this person from serving on the music team? Does marrying a non-Christian disqualify this person from serving on the music team? What if twenty...
  6. S

    Parents of babies or young children, what day(s)/time(s) during the week do you attend small group?

    What times are the Wednesday classes and how does that affect the children's bedtimes? Do you go and leave early? Do you stay the entire time and manage a later bedtime? Does one parent stay at home or leave early to put the kids to bed?
  7. S

    Parents of babies or young children, what day(s)/time(s) during the week do you attend small group?

    It can go by various different names: small groups, cell groups, community groups. The idea is that in addition to the weekly Sunday gathering, at some point during the week, small gatherings of people meet for Bible study and fellowship. For parents with babies, toddlers, young children who...
  8. S

    How important is family church attendance?

    I grew up in a very strict household where my mother highly prioritized Sunday church attendance especially on days where communion was served. Regardless of what was going on in our lives, she would make me get up to go to church. She would stress the importance of posturing ourselves...
  9. S

    When to take our newborn back to church?

    Hi, my wife and I are both Christians and are very involved members in our local church that we've been attending for the last 5 years. The church has about 200 or so people across two services but we only regularly interact with around 50 or so. My wife recently gave birth to our first child...
  10. S

    Is it possible to be a Christian and pro-choice?

    I'd like to preface my comments by saying that I am a fairly conservative Christian but am very moderate and relatively uninformed when it comes to US politics. Therefore, in light of yesterday's US Supreme Court announcement, I had two overarching questions: 1) Is it possible to be against...
  11. S

    A couple whom we haven't seen in a while is going on missions. Should we financially support them?

    We come from an evangelical Christian background and have been members of our local church for going on 5 years now. There is a lovely couple who has been members of our church as well but for reasons unbeknownst to us (something to do with not feeling spiritually connected or growing with our...
  12. S

    Rational reasons for why children should take the father's last name?

    Hi, I come from a fairly traditional household and have recently come into a discussion with my wife as to what last name our children take. I've always assumed that they would take my last name but I know that nowadays, things like that are not seen in a very positive light at least not without...
  13. S

    Is the sending of the Twelve descriptive or prescriptive?

    The accounts of where Jesus sends out the Twelve apostles are found in Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:1-6, and Matthew 10:5-15. My question is: are the happenings in these versus descriptive (a depiction of what happened and while it may have some over-arching principles, is not command for us to follow...
  14. S

    Coveting, Envy, and Jealousy

    Throughout the Bible, the words for coveting, jealousy, and envy are used. I am wondering if there is a difference between these three concepts or if they are interchangeable? Second, I am wondering if people have any thoughts on a systematic study of coveting, jealousy, and envy in the Bible...
  15. S

    Domination and submission fantasies in the bedroom

    Hi, my wife and I are both Christian and recently married and over the course of our relationship, I discovered that my wife enjoys playing a submissive role in bed and wants me to be dominant. I want to stress that she is certainly not a pushover in her normal life as she is quite successful...