Recent content by Saint Jared Bell

  1. Saint Jared Bell

    Has God refused to save me.

    It just seems that not by choice I'm always doing the wrong thing and I'm too dumb and slow according to people around me and I'm just not trusting God enough and that it's my fault and then when I do things people around me tell me to do to fix it I still have a problems. It seems to me the...
  2. Saint Jared Bell

    Has God refused to save me.

    HTTP: //
  3. Saint Jared Bell

    Has God refused to save me.

    I guess the other possibility is I'm just being accused before Yahweh day and night though. but it's not the first time I've heard this kind of stuff.
  4. Saint Jared Bell

    Has God refused to save me.

    Well since im the most horrible nasty person who claims to follow Christ my mom said im the reason she doesn't go to church and I turn her off of "religion". To me it sounds like I am fake and just need to stop going to church stop reading my bibles and stop listening to Christian radio...
  5. Saint Jared Bell

    Has God refused to save me.

    Who is Ellen G White?
  6. Saint Jared Bell

    Has God refused to save me.

    I've been talking to my mother she says I have no joy and I'm always doomy and gloomy. And that I'm dark and act like a democrat uniparty person and I make her an enemy and says I am combative confrontational and argumentative. I've asked in response how I do this and I get an answer in the form...
  7. Saint Jared Bell

    It's confusing. God doesn't set a good example.

    God judged those people because he knew their hearts through and through and that their conscious were seared and that they were never going to repent and that they were going to go on in idolatry and murders and every other thing that is contrary to the nature of God no matter what.
  8. Saint Jared Bell

    Is it too late to save America?

    It's up to God and if man will submit to God's voice in response. Also keep in mind all that is written will come to pass and Israel's enemies must surround her. America at some point will become an enemy of Israel bittersweetly we see that shift beginning to take place. We can see the fruit...
  9. Saint Jared Bell


    Please pray for me I'm in the USA and I keep losing jobs because I'm mentally and physically too slow for jobs I can't remember things and struggle to learn and retain things and I'm in pain and I'm drained physically mentally emotionally. I just can't keep up with the standards. It seems as if...
  10. Saint Jared Bell

    USA (A Modern Day Babylon)

    Remember what the country was like before it really went down hill. In it's early founding years.
  11. Saint Jared Bell

    What is the meaning or translation behind 888?

    Does God forgives us or just leave us in our messes to reap what we sowed?
  12. Saint Jared Bell

    USA (A Modern Day Babylon)

    If you really sit down and research it yes you'll find there's something very evil about socialism [Communism with a fancy name]. You'll find that socialism is a stepping stone to communism as it is seen in China it's like getting into an area of quicksand until it fully engulfs you and...
  13. Saint Jared Bell

    USA (A Modern Day Babylon)

    Capitalism can be used for righteousness as well as unrighteousness, just like money. It is not written that Money is the root of all kinds of evil, however it is written the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced...
  14. Saint Jared Bell

    What is the meaning or translation behind 888?

    What is the translation and meaning of 888 biblically sound doctrine speaking?
  15. Saint Jared Bell

    USA (A Modern Day Babylon)

    USA is on the fast track to following Satan. We must remember the kingdom is not of this world. That being said USA still has time to repent of sin and turn away from embracing the Satanic system of socialism and communism before it is struck down with China and the rest.