Recent content by rockytopva

  1. rockytopva

    Fatherly Wisdom with Zac

    Mr Zac claiming he has been married 50 years and never raised his voice to his wife. That was such an incredible statement that I had to wait a day before posting the video...
  2. rockytopva

    We need a business man as president

    Common sense ought to tell anyone that raising fuel prices will also cause inflation...
  3. rockytopva

    Elon's money in space and back

    Starship re-entree beginning @ 48:00 with much heat exposed to the spacecraft and much joy from the crowd on hand. Hottest point @ 51:00 with heat shields protecting the spacecraft and the atmosphere slowing the spacecraft down. Sensors measuring effectiveness of the spacecraft @ 54:00 with...
  4. rockytopva

    Elon's money in space and back

    With much joy, jubilation, and the crowd going insane @ 8:00 with the successful booster water landing.
  5. rockytopva

    Elon's money in space and back

    The fourth test flight of the biggest and most powerful rocket ever built is in the books, and what a dramatic and nail-biting trip for SpaceX it was.
  6. rockytopva

    Fatherly Wisdom with Zac

    "I have zero interest in going to heaven. Absolutely zero! My desire is to be with Jesus Christ." - Zac Poonen @ 10:00
  7. rockytopva

    Crewed Boeing Starliner - 2 Hours

    Exciting coverage! You can navigate the video below and see the actual launch around an hour ago...
  8. rockytopva

    SpaceX StarShip T-40 Hours

    Professional... Serious sounding voice now announcing... "Now at T-20 -hours."
  9. rockytopva

    SpaceX StarShip T-40 Hours

    I can't remember chatting inside the live chat. But sometimes useful information is posted.
  10. rockytopva

    SpaceX StarShip T-40 Hours

    If you click inside the "LIVE! SpaceX Starship Flight Test 4 Countdown" link within the video on the OP, you will open a window with the live chat as well. Only 100 watching now. Hopefully a clearer day tomorrow. Thanks for posting! I will be dropping in and out over the next couple of days and...
  11. rockytopva

    SpaceX StarShip T-40 Hours

    Flight Test 4
  12. rockytopva

    Fatherly Wisdom with Zac

    Importance of meditation in God's Word...
  13. rockytopva

    Shouting Methodist

    Back when I joined the Pentecostal Holiness church... 1. Salvation- As easy as looking onto Jesus 2. Sanctification- With a sweet spirit- If not - Come back tomorrow night! 3. Holy Spirit- Can come with gifts, including tongues. 4. Sunday - An evening and a morning service 5. Wednesday- Family...
  14. rockytopva

    Comparing Bible and Berkshire

    Alice Cooper for President. A Sick Man for a Sick Nation... Hey! At least he's honest and not aiming to trash America under false pretense!
  15. rockytopva

    Comparing Bible and Berkshire

    This was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good. -...