Recent content by RDKirk

  1. RDKirk

    Should we Obsess on the Past (Ecclesiastes 7:10 & Luke 9:62)

    "The past is in our heads, the future is in our hands."
  2. RDKirk

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    I'm not exactly certain what you mean. Have you seen the movie Hidden Figures? That's one of the very few movies that has presented what had been what I'd call the "culture of aspiration" that propelled the Civil Rights Era, but which seems to have withered since then as the dominant black...
  3. RDKirk

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    Slavery and Jim Crow didn't do us any favors. We wound up with a slave culture that is a broken form of Anglo culture, with both high-Anglo and low-Anglo components (most low-Anglo from the deep South). But ultimately, culture is a choice people make for themselves, so it's not something white...
  4. RDKirk

    Did David rape Bathsheba?

    I stated that there are many men who are abused by their wives and, for their own various reasons, those men allow it. You're telling me over and over that you wouldn't allow it. That has nothing to do with the fact that there are many men who are abused by their wives and, for their own...
  5. RDKirk

    Did David rape Bathsheba?

    A. They weren't trained to defend themselves without hurting anyone. B. If you restrain a violently aggressive woman, she's going to call the police and claim you abused her. And the police will believe her.
  6. RDKirk

    Did David rape Bathsheba?

    Yes, there are many wives who physically abuse their husbands. It's true that the men could, if they got angry enough, put a physical stop to that, but for various reasons they allow their wives to continue striking them. That is still physical abuse.
  7. RDKirk

    Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

    Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?.... Do you not know that we shall judge angels? -- 1 Corinthians 6 The Greek word used here for “judge,” krino, also means “to rule or govern.” This strongly implies that we will have authority over the holy angels, for they have no sin for...
  8. RDKirk

    Many reasons why the COVID vaccines are NOT the Mark of the Beast

    With the world already under control of the Lawless One, people take the mark of the beast to stay alive, not to be killed by the mark itself. If the mark itself is killing people...that's not how scripture says it's supposed to work.
  9. RDKirk

    Many reasons why the COVID vaccines are NOT the Mark of the Beast

    There were people arguing at the time, including in these forums, that the vaccine was the mark of the beast.
  10. RDKirk

    Many reasons why the COVID vaccines are NOT the Mark of the Beast

    Also, people can't say that the vaccine killed anyone and at the same time say it was the mark of the beast.
  11. RDKirk

    Many reasons why the COVID vaccines are NOT the Mark of the Beast

    That's a decent suspicion, but it has not been confirmed.
  12. RDKirk

    Many reasons why the COVID vaccines are NOT the Mark of the Beast

    Graphene is not metal, not detectable by a metal detector, and everyone has far more iron (a metal that is detectable by an airport machine) in their bloodstream than the vaccinated have graphene of any type. The machine does not register the blood iron, so it certainly would not register a...
  13. RDKirk

    Do pets go to heaven?

    We have pets on earth because we don't have enough love for each other. That won't be a problem in heaven.
  14. RDKirk

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    I have. While I was in the Philippines during the reign of Ferdinand Marcos, there was a brave newspaper editor who published opinions against him. One of Marcos' known political lieutenants had the editors three daughters kidnapped, murdered, dismembered, and their bodies stacked on the...
  15. RDKirk

    "Happy" Memorial Day?

    I won't dispute that Biden is too doggoned old to be president of the United States. And so is Trump.