Recent content by PollyJetix

  1. PollyJetix

    Anyone Else as Innocent as Me?

    Of course you want to. We all do! But, face it... that's only the appetizer. And if you're honest, you'll admit it's very hard to stop eating with only the appetizer, if you're very hungry. But... if it's sin to commit fornication (which it is) then playing around getting yourself aroused is...
  2. PollyJetix

    Anyone Else as Innocent as Me?

    Innocent, perhaps of sinful sexual acts. ;) Not necessarily of mental lust (which of course, Jesus said is the same thing.)
  3. PollyJetix

    Rob Porter

    What's the difference between a high US official using an unsecured email account for official business, and someone handling secure information, who hasn't been sufficiently cleared for it? BOTH parties stink.
  4. PollyJetix

    I need some help

    Ellan... I am so sorry you are so entangled with this heartbreak. I was married for 18 years, and had 2 children... and my husband changed to the point where he decided to abandon us. Looking back, I can see where the seeds of his abandonment were there from the very beginning, but I refused to...
  5. PollyJetix


    From the dictionary: co·op·er·ate kōˈäpəˌrāt/ verb 1. To act jointly; work toward the same end. "the leaders promised to cooperate in ending the civil war" 2. assist someone or comply with their requests. 1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. 2...
  6. PollyJetix

    Anyone Else as Innocent as Me?

    The dictionary definition of innocence is not having sinned in the first place. And simply sharing one's experience is only perceived as bragging by those who didn't have the same experience... who know their own experience wasn't as valuable. I brag only on God, who gave me strength and wisdom...
  7. PollyJetix


    I'm sorry, I wish I could spend all the time I could, in here. But I just landed another job, which will take a lot of time, so I may be rather scarce from now on.
  8. PollyJetix


    Of course, you are correct. I often theorize out loud, which is why the mouth has come to fit the foot very well. Oh well, it's good for the ego, to be humbled. This is a fascinating discussion, and it brings to mind a few verses... Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized...
  9. PollyJetix


    He was a very good man, humanly speaking. I felt it, when the job folded, and I lost his friendship. Those wandering Bishops... I am certain I have run into one or two of them on the internet. LOL! Mennonites enjoy exploratory questions, too... we can often theorize and philosophize for hours...
  10. PollyJetix

    Do non-Christians go to Hell?

    Depends on your definition of non-Christian. There is no way to God except through Jesus. That's the crux of christianity. If there is another way, the torturous death He went through was completely unnecessary. In fact, if it was unnecessary, then the Father would have been evil, to give His...
  11. PollyJetix

    Anyone Else as Innocent as Me?

    I never kissed a guy until the day I was married. We didn't even hold hands. We knew we loved each other, and even though it was difficult, we stuck with the standard we had set. We wanted no regrets, no residual guilt to tarnish the relationship afterwards. I have no regrets. And I have no...
  12. PollyJetix

    Do non-Christians go to Hell?

    2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 6 ...God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, 7 and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels 8 in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not...
  13. PollyJetix


    I never thought of the Eunuch traveling in a caravan. The Scriptures don't mention it. (edit: Of course he would have. Okay. I learned something interesting today.) And I don't read any command in the Scriptures that only "clergy" are to baptize. It is a function of the body. I have never seen...
  14. PollyJetix

    What does being a patriot mean to you

    I struggle with these questions, as I was raised very passivist. The Mennonites teach strongly that Christians ought not to ever take part in war, because if you love your enemy, how can you shoot at him? Soldiers are trained to hate their enemies, and view them as subhuman, which is directly...
  15. PollyJetix


    Oh, Arsenios, Arsenios... thy questions, thy questions! Do you perhaps have something you are trying to get us to see?