Recent content by Orange Kitten Bob

  1. O

    Should Christian women wear head scarves?

    It strikes me as pandering to Islam, but that is just my idea.
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    Pugs Anyone?

    I like pugs, because they look like they always have a five o'clock shadow.
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    do animals go to heaven and hell too?

    YES! I would not be surprised if we live as we do now[technologically]but God is running all, so all is perfect!
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    Corporal Punishment

    Ming made a good point, about bad kids wanting a spanking as an easy penalty for criminality. I have heard reports of the paddle used in schools to cover up serious criminal acts, 'to make the school look good'. Newsflash: murder, rape, mutilation, maiming, and unprovoked mayhem need...
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    Corporal Punishment

    With utmost restraint on the part of the parents. You only spank to teach bad from good. You never spank in rage or because it[s] convenient or because you think it[s] funny to scare a kid that way.
  6. O

    What are we restoring?

    The fundamentalists have pretty much destroyed churches where I live. Chaos, cruelty, child abuse, and drug addiction are their fruits. When I was a youth, I stunned 'Bible Thumpers' by going by the New Testament alone. I never done drugs, stolen anything of value[getting confused...
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    'The Day': Chapter One:

    Rodan crawled around. Bob Mini-14 picked him up. he held the puppy and put the TV. On PBS, a techno-pop band performed instrumental music to a multi-colored laser light and hologram show. The puppy was fascinated by it, as were Doxy and Finster. The TV was then turned on to the racing channel...
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    Thank you. I want to live for Jesus Christ alone.
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    What do you like and dislike about Fantasy?

    Magic neutralizing technology. I prefer worlds in which magic and modern stuff both work. My other pet fantasy peeve is portraying an Amazon as anything but a female hoplite.
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    Is fantasy bad for you, demonic?

    Unless you are actively worshipping false Gods or casting spells or animal sacrifice, no. Trust in Jesus Christ and stick to your treatment plan. In Christian friendship, Orange Kitten Bob.
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    Time Travel

    I'd better mankind. I'd introduced the Continental army to AK-47s, radios, modern medicine, and the like. Make America a super power by 1800. I'd also help prevent WWII by using the U.S. navy to prevent Japan from emerging from the Shogunate.
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    Star Trek and Secular Humanism

    I just watch it for the fun. Stargate SG-1 is cool, too.
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    is hacking a sin?

    Agreed. wHY don't back to your legal selling instead?
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    Tell me how you would decrease crime.

    I think murder one and mass murder should automatically be federal crimes. Consistency of punishment is a bigger deterrent than harshness of punishment.
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    Corporal Punishment

    By parents alone, and if done controlled; yes, I'm for spanking in the home. In the schools-NO! Here's why: A. Pedophiles are being released after as little as a month's treatment, with teacher[s] unions and pervert rights activists... Some will be hired by the schools...