o_mlly's latest activity

  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    So, we should add some amnesia to your inattentiveness? Get serious or get lost but either way spare me your inept ad hominens.
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Baffled? The semantics claim referred not to the fact that the "past is fixed" but, as I wrote, to the change from active to passive...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Semantics. The man freely changed his racist attitude. Some racists may not have done so with the same experience. It's a foolish...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Nope. I merely corrected your misquote as to what was being defined. See below: Your inattentiveness is quite annoying and leads you...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    The past is done but not fixed ... unless you're dead. As an example, a white supremacist who has no affection for black people and on...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Of course, you can and do exactly that. Do you still reason like a twelve-year-old, or a twenty-year-old. Can right reason move the...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    No, I am agreeing that in the moment our present affections and attitudes largely determine our choice in a moral decision. That...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Let us call one's "internal state of mind" -- one's affections and attitudes -- as one's present preferred or habitual response to the...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    No, that's not my position. The free will to act is a separate from the issue of determining the actor's culpability for the act. The...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Already explained. It is possible. No two ways about it. There is both free will and there is also the free act. The freedom to do...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    That kind of error often occurs when one just "intermittently" reads anything. "If a choice from multiple options is definitionally"...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    "How many times will I have to repeat this: Making a decision does not equate with free will." The quote offered was a reply to the...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Uh, you forgot to mention that that someone also unfortunately had acne. Cheez. Some through no fault of their own lack the complete...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    Are you up to a thousand times yet? "A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth" (Joseph...
  • O
    o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
    As always, you are welcome. Here's some more constructive input: the above is self-contradictory.