Recent content by now faith

  1. now faith

    Old Friends from Years Ago

    Yes I still haven't used a capital N on the Now. I want to change the picture icon, to what I had experienced driving on a golf course a few years back. it is a beautiful sun beam of a cross shining on my Wife and myself. During the same time , we went to a Church picnic. The sun coming through...
  2. now faith

    My Special Quotes

    This is what I enjoy about Jessie, he is painfully honest with his feelings about a given situation. He has a powerful anointing on his life, and only God could have given him such a prophetic word to speak to that busted up Church. I was watching one of his meetings a short while back, he came...
  3. now faith

    My Special Quotes

  4. now faith

    Old Friends from Years Ago

    Hello DIds, I can relate to missing our friends. I became a Word of Faith believer officially in this Forum. But You are here! hhodgson is still here , so we gather together in the name of Jesus He is with us Always.
  5. now faith

    Your faith shouldn't be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

    Remember those who through Prayer did not die , and the richness of Gods Grace.
  6. now faith

    Your faith shouldn't be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

    God Bless you All ,I know many have had unthinkable loss of loved ones. My strength comes from above in knowing in whome I Believe. knowing our loved ones are with the Lord is a great comfort. I live the life they would want , knowing one day soon we will gather at the River of Life .
  7. now faith

    Your faith shouldn't be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

    Amen, there are so many things in our lives , that can only be God or His ministering Angels. We are thankful for the small things, and the mighty things. All of our blessings are the same in Gods eyes. Our Faith is what will move the Heavens and God our Father is pleased to do so. He deserves...
  8. now faith

    Hello to all my friends.

    Good to see or read from you and (dids) I have some tweaking to do , in transferring to my newer tablet. Guys I will say things are moving fast, I never was much for saying the time is close. I'm changing my position on that. Look forward to talking soon for now this screen has a blur. God...
  9. now faith

    Hello and Help!

    Welcome , you are among friends here.
  10. now faith

    Hello to all my friends.

    I will do my best.
  11. now faith

    The King James Version or NCV, RSV or NIV, does it make a difference?

    I just noticed I had commented here back in 2018. One thing I am noticing is the activity in some of the congressional forums has diminished, are there other places here for groups?
  12. now faith

    The King James Version or NCV, RSV or NIV, does it make a difference?

    Hello to my Brothers and sisters. I would love to speak about this topic, but I noticed it was against the Forum rules. I have spent a good deal of time looking into your beliefs. I must say I do enjoy your teachers, they are top notch. How is Walter Veith? I have watched many of his lectures...
  13. now faith

    Hello to all my friends.

    I came back for a visit, and found the format has changed. Lol I did not know my correct password I am looking forward to conversing with you all once again. God Bless.
  14. now faith

    Implants coming.

    It appears that technology is growing at a much faster rate, than most people expected. I watched a video and the content creator was suprised how, A.I. was able to duplicate his appearance and voice yet change the content.