Recent content by Neostarwcc

  1. Neostarwcc

    I cant beat this one particular sin.

    Thanks for the tips guys. My pastor and I discussed this is great lengths over email and last night. Basically what he told me was that he was mistaken when I told him I was making no progress on my lying he thought I meant no progress on sin at all and that's why he told me to accept Jesus and...
  2. Neostarwcc

    I cant beat this one particular sin.

    He doesn't but he and I are going to discuss it this Sunday when I see him.
  3. Neostarwcc

    I cant beat this one particular sin.

    Well the thing is I do a lot of things that get me in trouble so a lot of the times I will lie to either soften the blow on me or soften the blow on them. I need to learn to accept responsibility for my actions no matter what the consequences because no matter hoe bad the consequences may be in...
  4. Neostarwcc

    I cant beat this one particular sin.

    Ok so pretty much ever since i was a kid until about seven years ago i had a big, big problem with sexual immorality. Big problem. But, God changed me and i havent engaged in sexual immorality in about seven-eight years now. That's the good news. Now? I'm stuck with another really, really bad...
  5. Neostarwcc

    I've decided enough is enough.

    Just a small update. So I went to my GP yesterday and told him I'm getting bariatric surgery. He was ecstatic and very happy. He filled out paperwork that I'm supposed to be getting done before my surgery and I actually lost an extra 13 pounds since the last time I was weighed. My GP was very...
  6. Neostarwcc

    Total Depravity

    You're going a tad off topic but I partially agree with you and then I disagree with you. First where I disagree. It's pretty clear from Paul's words in Romans and Ephesians that he's talking about how the spirit is spiritually dead and unable to accept the gospel call and God makes that person...
  7. Neostarwcc

    Total Depravity

    Funny you should mention God hardening Pharoah. God did harden Pharaoh's heart but as you can see God's hardening of Pharaoh's heart wasn't based on anything Pharoah had done and wasnt done because Pharoah wasn't already totally depraved in nature but rather so that he would not let the...
  8. Neostarwcc

    Total Depravity

    In Ephesians 2:1-5 Paul describes the state of a believer pre regeneration (Dead in trespasses and sins) and after regeneration (Made alive by God). This is one of the strongest arguments for Total Depravity in the Bible so I wanted to discuss whether or not Total Depravity was true or not based...
  9. Neostarwcc

    All authority

    Yes, I answered your statement twice and now three times. I said you're talking about an act that was committed by fallen man rather than Satan. God was talking about an act committed by fallen man. Like I said fallen man are not under God's complete sovereign control like the regenerated humans...
  10. Neostarwcc

    All authority

    You're mentioning acts that fallen humans have done and not Satan and like i said satan is completely bound to God fallen humans are mostly not because we were not created solely to serve God like the angels were. Satan tempts, lies and deceives because that's his nature and one thing hamster...
  11. Neostarwcc

    Can marriage ever be a sin if both are Christian

    Ive never noticed that before but, It's sort of implied. You're right that Jesus only said that a man could remarry because of sexual immorality (matthew 19:9) but why would only a man be allowed to remarry because of sexual immorality? Why not a woman as well?
  12. Neostarwcc

    All authority

    So Jesus never told Peter that Satan asked for permission to sift Peter like wheat? Just because God never commanded or mentioned one particular event and something was thr actions of humans doesn't mean that Satan doesn't need God's permission to literally do anything which scripture does...
  13. Neostarwcc

    All authority

    Actually Satan cannot do anything without God's permission. Even when Satan wants to tempt or attack God's sheep Satan needs God's permission. Jesus kinda proved this fact when he brought up to Peter that Satan wanted to sift Peter like wheat. Satan asked for permission to destroy Peter and God...
  14. Neostarwcc

    I desperately need help (Hebrews 6)

    Hebrews 6 is just a reminder that it is impossible for a sheep of God to be renewed again to repentance. Mainly, if it were possible for a sheep of God to permanently fall away than it would be impossible to renew them again to repentance because Jesus would have to be crucified again to save...
  15. Neostarwcc

    I've decided enough is enough.

    Right and the whole bariatric team including my surgeon is working at trying to figure out ways to make my surgery a success despite the weight gain from my antipsychotics. The surgeon mentioned that he has had schizophrenic patients before (he's been doing bariatrics for over 30 years) and he...