Recent content by Natto

  1. Natto

    swirling suicide thought

    I've been having some suicidal thoughts or feelings swirling in my head lately. I didn't marry my girlfriend when I was twenty, so I didn't have kids. , now forties. No children, no marriage, I constantly questioned the value of my existence. Not having kids is probably the biggest reason why I...
  2. Natto

    Capble of communication through Eletromagentic wave from brain which cause great interference to others

    親愛的在線兄弟姐妹 這是非常緊急的事情,請為我祈禱 不知道是不是我的電磁波太強了。我召喚的任何人似乎都可以加入我的在線實時聊天,他們受了很多苦。 他們就是日復一日地睡不著。這是一種痛苦。我的骯髒和不尊重的形像在我的大腦中同時傳輸到他們的大腦中,這傷害了我的家人、親戚、兄弟的感情。 希望有超過一百人在網上受苦。請不斷地為我祈禱。請讓他們解除一些電磁波干擾,讓他們好好休息一下。。我奉行耶穌的名譽祈禱。阿門
  3. Natto

    Should I judge people off the Bible??

    Matthew 7:3-5. New International Version · “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the ....
  4. Natto

    Extremely Tough Christian Journey

    Hi Dear sk, I actually ever heard other religions, such as Buddhism or Daoism, their God or Goddess come nearby people, there radiate warm and fragrant. Ghost comes nearby, the temperature drop like ac with a feeling of coldness. It might be a little bit kind of similar to what you describe. I...
  5. Natto

    Extremely Tough Christian Journey

    Hi Dear, Perhaps you could read the following vedio link, and it had some English translation. He was ever HK' gangster's head in hk, He shared testimony, God ever used some pasters to look for him, and wanted to convert him, eventually God spoke with him directly. It is just very rare cases. I...
  6. Natto

    How would you describe the presence of God in your life?

    In many years of my failing Christian life, I considered myself as fallen Christian, God had not presented in my life for some long period of time, but He also show up and help me several times along the way or at some critical timing. All you have to do is to call out on him. To be honest, my...
  7. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    Thanks for prayer, and that's what I need most. Thanks. As for report to police, in my case, police probably do not have legitimate ground for intervention since no actual harm occurred. As for swearing, fighting, or usage of weapon, I did have something like a voice recorder , but I probably...
  8. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    I guess if it were fist, not serious harm, it is minor offence. It is probably a couple of month of jails. If it escalate to a point of use of sharp weapons to harm someone, the sentence will start to increase dramatically, It might be varied from a year to several years of sentence in prison...
  9. Natto

    Read unchristian literature, now feel depressed

    It's Gatsby, isn't it. They should just divorce with each other and each other find his/her own happiness instead of infidelity. It's more real rather than infidelity because people have to accept unfortunate truth sometimes that some marriage just not work out.
  10. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    To be honest, in my country, the law or police enforcement would not do anything about it unless someone harm you or actually physical harm you. The reasons I make noise was last year I purchased a very crappy basement apartment with minor structural damage through auction in other cities, there...
  11. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    The thing is I make some preliminary observation of the way those mice dead. Firstly, I hardly see any dead mouse lying around my doorway throughout ten year while I live here. My father used to operate a bakery store, we needed to kill mouse sometimes for sake of hygiene either by using mouse...
  12. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    It’s like specialized hospital only for kidney dysfunction, sort of like kidney failure requires blood cleaning or purification a couple of time per week. Hospital has medical machine that can symbolically function as external kidney to purify blood and get rid of waste. The place that we have...
  13. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    I am not quite sure how to explain that in English, but I try. Perhaps my house make some irritating noise sometimes. I just do not like attitude or provocative speech to deliver by those people trying to pick up or stir up a fight? Swear words? Wanna join a fight? saying something like that...
  14. Natto

    Prayer for not beating crop out of neighbors.

    I am not quite sure how to explain that in English, but I try. Perhaps my other family member might makes some irritating noise sometimes. I just do not like attitude or provocative speech to deliver by those people trying to pick up or stir up a fight? Swear words? Wanna join a fight? One time...
  15. Natto

    Prayer For Deliverance From Adulterous And Immorality thought online

    In my many years of failing Christian life, you have helped me many times. When I smoked in college, went to nightclubs, and suffered from drug addiction, you helped me get rid of the addiction. When I was about to drop out of college on the verge of being suspended from school, I know I was...