Recent content by ~Lynz~

  1. L

    Prayer request. Pregnancy.

    Just to update the post. I found out last week that I'd lost my baby.
  2. L

    Prayer request. Pregnancy.

    Hubby has been doing the house work. And my parents have been taking the kids. We really don't have any one else. We have also bought a new house so moving soon isn't helping with the stress. We will get through it. Just would appreciate some prayers. I've lost my job through this and I've...
  3. L

    Prayer request. Pregnancy.

    Yeah 11 weeks tomorrow. Ive been told that it's expected to last up till 21 weeks. But it could last 9 months. Pray for my family too please. My husband, children and parents. They are Ll being effected by it. And there's lots of stress.
  4. L

    Prayer request. Pregnancy.

    I'm still being sick even tho I've got anti sickness tablets. I'm not jus nauseous I am sick 30-50 times a day. I cannot sit up without being dizzy and passing out. There is no diet recommendations to my condition as it's not morning sickness all the stuff that helps morning sickness doesn't...
  5. L

    Prayer request. Pregnancy.

    I'm 8 weeks pregnant suffering from Hyperemesis. I feel utterly awful. It's like I've been poisoned. I've been to doctors and I have anti sickness tablets which helped at little. But don't seen to be helping any more. I've got 2 older kids to look after so really would love your prayers...
  6. L

    A little get to know you poll!

    Name: Lynn Age: 26 How long you've been married (assuming you're married): 1 year and 7 months How long have you been TTC: a few days... How many kids you have: 2 amazing Boys. How many kids you want: 4.
  7. L

    anyone here had a preference for either a boy or girl before they became a parent?

    I'll admit that before I had my first child I was hoping for a girl. But I was traveling to hospital in labour I only had a boys name picked. So when he was born it was all good. When I was pregnant with number 2 I really honestly didn't care. As long as the baby was healthy and happy. And he is...
  8. L

    My son made my heart break

    My current situation is totally different from the original post. I've got 2 boys now. 8 and 4. I also met my childhood sweetheart in October 2010 and we got married in July 2012. The 4 year old was only a baby when the previous post was written and his dad walked out when I was 8...
  9. L

    dating a nonchristian

    :O you and me could be the same person. im 23 engaged to a guy i met at a christian youth group 10 yrs ago. and we didnt see each other for the last 9 but occasionally got back in each others life. i read ur post and though "thats me to" the thing i have came to terms with is my bf will not...
  10. L

    Should Grooms Be More Involved?

    our team effort is hes paying for it and im planning it. lol in all honesty i run everything by him but he just keeps agreeing with everything i suggest casue he wants me to be happy, it annoys me that he wont just say what he likes and what he doesnt. but i have said to him he has to plan...
  11. L

    Unoffically engaged.

    we are official engaged now :) what date are u think about... we are thinking july 2012
  12. L

    Unoffically engaged.

    the engagement will become official after parent have been told and i get my ring. on saturday. so excited. were not telling any one till we have told parents and have the ring which is happening this weekend but i can hold it in so im gonna share it with all you "not real life" ppl. man i...
  13. L

    I got engaged yesterday!!

  14. L

    Counsel needed as to timing of marriage

    i didnt mean any disrespect. it was supposed to be humours. im sorry that part escaped you. many women who have been happily married for many years will tell u being a wife and running a home and children is hard work. and according to psychologist they suggest that man pick there wives...
  15. L

    Why is it "different when they're yours?"

    if you dont want kids thats fine thats your choice. but shouldnt you wait till your in a serious relationship untill u make a decision so permanent. yes your prob gonna find a girl with the same views as you to children... but whats the need to have it done right now... and if u cant trust a...