Recent content by loribee59

  1. loribee59

    American People Don’t Care About January 6th Hearings

    I do~ those people didn't deserve to be jailed just because they peacefully protested the election. Plus the Capitol was paid by OUR tax money, so where did anyone feel we don't have the right to be there? Just saw the latest news about the prisoners in the DC gulag: BREAKING: 34 US Political...
  2. loribee59

    Babylock Solaris 2 users here?

    Hey Got my Solaris 2 last year but due to hospitalization and recovery I've not gotten a chance to use it. But.... I have a messy room that shares both my computer desk and my sewing table. It's a bit cramped LOL
  3. loribee59

    forwarding emails to produce false guilt

    Thank you that was the answer I needed.... As I said before, *some* emails are inspirational, and I don't mind sharing it... it's the other kind that makes me feel I *OUGHT* to send it, just for the sake of it. Meh! SOOOO, I want to share this humorous email I got loooong ago, and this is...
  4. loribee59

    forwarding emails to produce false guilt

    for the past few years I've been getting emails forwarded to me about something inspirational about God and Jesus....and at the end of the email, there's a warning about being "ashamed of God/Jesus and how God/Jesus would be ashamed too" kind of thing... this really bothered me...I don't like...
  5. loribee59

    for those who know Tavita

    Just wanted to let those who knew Tavita, the sad news that she passed away last night (Sydney,NSW 1/25/12) from breast cancer that she had fought for 3 years. She passed very quickly and peacefully. now she'll have a grand ol' time with Jesus and with Bev in heaven.. I'm so going to miss...
  6. loribee59

    Prayer request for Tavita

    Hi, I'm requesting a prayer on behalf of my good friend, Tavita (off and online friend of mine) Tavita is ill from cancer and would appreciate lots of love and prayers from her brothers and sisters in Christ. She lives NW of Sydney, Australia and was just recently hospitalized for tests...
  7. loribee59

    For anyone who knew Tavita... prayers, please

    Hi, I'm a good friend of Tavita, and I used to post here quite often some years back...(from 2004 to 2006. KristinJ? Lozzie? skinnybrad? Neenie?) Reason I'm here is a prayer request for Tavita, she is ill from cancer and would appreciate lots of love and prayers from her Aussie brothers and...
  8. loribee59

    Opinion about Oprah Winfrey ending show

    Even without seeing the video posted above, I don't have to see that Oprah has never felt comfortable around people who gave glory to God. I can see it on her expressions many times....which is why I don't watch her at all. I like the health forums she puts out, but not the ego-stroking or the...
  9. loribee59

    $30-$40 fix - stealing really

    that's a malware--had that happen to me before :mad: get the malwarebytes program and get rid of it. :thumbsup:
  10. loribee59

    Open Office vs Word-which is better?

    I should have clarified what I meant: is it better in doing all the things that MS Word does that I'm used to doing? does it have everything that MS Word has or do I need to get plug ins to make it work/act like MS Word? I'm only using it for personal use.
  11. loribee59

    Open Office vs Word-which is better?

    is Open Office any better than Word? just curious...that's all
  12. loribee59

    malware attacks

    First: download a FREE malwarebyte program: Second: follow the instructions on using this program: How to Use Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware | Virus Removal Guru (it's better to not have your browser running whilst cleaning up so print up the instructions beforehand)...
  13. loribee59


    I'm kinda blind in the right eye and I wear glasses. dunno if wearing 3D glasses would work as they require the eyes to focus. I can't focus that way. *sigh*
  14. loribee59


    WOWWWWWWWWW..... considering my eye issues, I dunno how a 3D glasses would work with I opted for a 2D movie. all I can say about this movie: I will see it again! :clap: