Recent content by lesliedellow

  1. lesliedellow

    What kind of Calvinist are you?

    I am either regular high or ultra high.
  2. lesliedellow

    Did COVID Vaccines Kill Huge Numbers of UK Care Home Residents?

    No they didn’t, but an incompetent “government” discharging COVID patients from hospital straight into care homes, because of a shortage of hospital beds, did.
  3. lesliedellow

    No morality in Calvinism?

    “Well, I don't believe that the Bible teaches any sort of predestination.” Even coming from an Arminian, that statement is unbelievable. Have you ever read the thing? “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus...
  4. lesliedellow

    Is Creationism actually science?

    Even if it is objectively true that the first single cell organisms was created directly by God, it still wouldn’t be science, because there is no way of reasoning from empirical facts to the conclusion “Therefore the Christian God.” It will always be a matter of faith, no matter how suggestive...
  5. lesliedellow

    New or Grew?

    Sorry, but brand new is brand new. The age of the wood it is made of is 100% irrelevant. In any case, the wood in the outer rings of the tree will be younger than the wood on the inner rings of the tree.
  6. lesliedellow

    New or Grew?

    But she isn’t, and the canoe isn’t a thousand years old.
  7. lesliedellow

    New or Grew?

    That just has to be capstone of creationist logic.
  8. lesliedellow

    Is the fundamental gap between creationists and non-creationists...

    That “abridged and edited version,” is typical of the reconstructions to be had from scholars such as Geza Vermes or Paula Fredriksen. Neither of them are Christians.
  9. lesliedellow

    New or Grew?

    If you are to be believed, he did. When you make something, it is by definition brand new. A forger can try to give an “antique” he made yesterday the appearance of age, but it would still be brand new. So to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, shall we add God the Forger or...
  10. lesliedellow

    New or Grew?

    He wouldn’t be accused of anything if he didn’t create crystals in a deliberately deceptive state. Zircon crystals are only used to extract the chemical element zirconium, and they can be any old age for that. Unlike the crystals, there is nothing in the chemical element to betray how long...
  11. lesliedellow

    New or Grew?

    Rubbish again. If the creation was miraculous it wouldn’t take even one nano second to create zircon crystals with all the appearance of being billions of years old. A mere act of God’s will would bring it about instantaneously.
  12. lesliedellow

    Is the fundamental gap between creationists and non-creationists...

    Rubbish. It might be science if Behe & Co could make good on their claims, but so far they haven’t.
  13. lesliedellow

    New or Grew?

    Why, pray, did God create zircon crystals, which show every sign of being billions of years old when, in fact, they are only 6,000 years old? Did he have to create them as “adults?”
  14. lesliedellow

    Is the fundamental gap between creationists and non-creationists...

    It is a out time that one was put to rest. An Atheist Historian Examines the Evidence for Jesus (Part 1 of 2)
  15. lesliedellow

    Relic bone attributed to Saint James, 'brother' of Jesus, radiocarbon dated to 214 - 340

    I kinda guessed that. Just as there are enough pieces of the true cross to populate a rain forest. It was a rhetorical question.