Recent content by Leona_firefly

  1. Leona_firefly

    St. Francis

    It was honestly kind of a slog to get through; the author took too many detours with anecdotes about Francis and his disciples, mostly apocryphal tales of miracles they performed. When that's not happening, Englebert is expounding on the virtues of asceticism and Francis's zealous emphasis on...
  2. Leona_firefly

    Recommendation: "Saint Calvin the Cannibal"

    So this novel has kind of a wild premise but it also had a great message on how powerful Christ's redeeming love is, as well as a look at how easily we can turn to idols for peace. In short: a failed author goes on a trip to the Arctic with his father, they encounter a storm, the author is duped...
  3. Leona_firefly

    St. Francis

    I recently read Omer Englebert's biography of St. Francis, and it seemed to me that he took the asceticism aspect and turned it into a sort of idol. As in, poverty became his gospel rather than Jesus. i got the sense that Francis's message wasn't the only way to the Father is through Jesus, but...
  4. Leona_firefly

    Recommendation: "The Four Witnesses"

    The Four Witnesses by Robin Griffith-Jones. I found this book at the thrift store and it's a very absorbing read. The author explores how each of the four gospels presents Jesus in a particular way: "the Rebel, the Rabbi, the Chronicler, and the Mystic." I learned a lot about the context of the...
  5. Leona_firefly

    Looking for Christian book recommendations!

    Oh my goodness David, The Screwtape Letters is in my top 10 fave books of all time! Such an engrossing read!
  6. Leona_firefly

    Looking for Christian book recommendations!

    I've read the N.T. Wright books, but I just did some research on the other titles you recommended and OH. MY. GOODNESS. They all sound so interesting! They'll soon be in my cart! Thank you so much PloverWing!
  7. Leona_firefly

    Looking for Christian book recommendations!

    Thank you, Jesse! I was enamored with "Evidence That Demandsa Verdict." I have "A Rebel's Manifesto on my book shelf at the moment, and it's in my queue!
  8. Leona_firefly

    Looking for Christian book recommendations!

    I LOVE Lee Strobel's books!
  9. Leona_firefly

    Looking for Christian book recommendations!

    myst33 - Oh wow. A lot of these are over my head lol.... I've read The Great Divorce though, and it was such an amazing book. And thank you a bunch for the recommendations!
  10. Leona_firefly

    Looking for Christian book recommendations!

    Thank you so much for this resource! such a wonderful selection!!
  11. Leona_firefly

    Looking for Christian book recommendations!

    Hi all! My name is Leona, from Little Rock. I hope to have great convos here. I'm a big bibliophile and if you have any recommendations for great Christian books, fiction or nonfiction, I'm all eyes!
  12. Leona_firefly

    Aviation/aircraft-related movies

    Airplane! It's also, imo, the best parody movie of all time. Leslie Nielsen is brilliant.