Recent content by Kokavkrystallos

  1. Kokavkrystallos

    Repent and Be Baptized

    Are you meaning "ALL" as in everyone who passed through the sea with Moses, or "ALL" as in everyone period? The Israelites were baptized unto Moses meaning he was their deliverer - again, a type of Christ, and symbolic. ALL Israelites that went up out of Egypt and passed through the sea were...
  2. Kokavkrystallos

    North Korea sends Balloons full of Manure and Trash over the border to South Korea

    I looked them up. Their dress is ok, but in one photo they are wearing Blue jeans. In NK that shows conformity to American Imperialism. That could be considered an act of war! It's the girl pop groups that have so serious a dress problem it could mean nuclear war!
  3. Kokavkrystallos

    A Call to Separation

    That's a tough one, because the Scripture says be not unequally yoked with unbelievers. I once broke off a relationship with a girlfriend and remained friends with her. If she is not saved, you don't want to express the harshness of Torah, because she will not understand. Before you do anything...
  4. Kokavkrystallos

    In the Latter Days Ye Shall Consider It

    Yes, that Reddit is pretty right on, except for the gospel being preached. When they say "on a personal level" do they mean each individual, nations in general? They've been going into Africa and giving them wind up radios that can get the gospel from satellite anywhere. Asia has many...
  5. Kokavkrystallos

    North Korea sends Balloons full of Manure and Trash over the border to South Korea

    Oh no, the South Koreans have fired back! This could start a massive WAR! North Korea sent trash balloons. Activists in the South sent K-pop. A South Korean group launched balloons containing anti-Pyongyang fliers and thousands of USB drives with local pop music and TV — all illegal in the...
  6. Kokavkrystallos

    Repent and Be Baptized

    That's all symbolic of baptism. They passed through the waters, not in them, and the cloud guided them and overshadowed them, as the Spirit came down upon Jesus in bodily form as a dove at His baptism, and the Spirit also comes upon us and within us, and guides us.
  7. Kokavkrystallos

    Putin ‘invokes Cuban Missile Crisis’ as he moves ‘nuclear-capable’ ships to Havana

    As long as we don't have a Chernobyl. Also, where the US first nuclear power plant was there was sickness down at least 30 miles of the Deerfield River. One day I went tubing there and the guy up at the dam letting the water out said there was high radiation in the water. That was in 1993. Some...
  8. Kokavkrystallos

    Putin ‘invokes Cuban Missile Crisis’ as he moves ‘nuclear-capable’ ships to Havana

    Ukraine-Russia war – live: Putin ‘invokes Cuban Missile Crisis’ as he moves ‘nuclear-capable’ ships to Havana Four Russian vessels will make a port call to Havana between 12 and 17 June before sailing to Venezuela Vladimir Putin is invoking the memory of the Cuban Missile Crisis by moving...
  9. Kokavkrystallos

    A Call to Separation

    I'm pretty sure it's talking about unholy alliances. It doesn't mean not being around sinners at all, for then we'd need to leave the world. It's like Jesus went about His daily business and would have certain associations with sinners, but they were not there when He spent all that quality time...
  10. Kokavkrystallos

    In the Latter Days Ye Shall Consider It

    "The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly." - Jeremiah 23:20 "Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain...
  11. Kokavkrystallos

    The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded: (John Bunyan)

    The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded: Chapter 18 - Two Hell-Bred Objections Answered (My notes at end) Object. If it be so, then one need not care what they do; they may sin and sin again, seeing Christ hath made satisfaction. [The first objection]. Answ. If I were to point out one...
  12. Kokavkrystallos

    Repent and Be Baptized

    Moses and all were "baptized" symbolically, as a type. Just like baptism of the Holy Spirit is not a literal immersion but an immersion in the Spirit, or rather filling with the Spirit. The Greek word for gentile is not in John 1:31, neither ethnos, nor the Hebrew goy or goyim: κἀγὼ οὐκ ᾔδειν...
  13. Kokavkrystallos

    Ukraine-Russia war – latest: Moscow ready to strike French troops as UK sends Kyiv 1,000 drones

    God is on God's side. God is on His elects side, but God can use others to chastise His elect. He may use a nation to judge another nation: even to chastise His own people as He used Babylon to punish Israel. Then later He used the Persians and Medes to conquer Babylon. Ezekiel 38 says He will...
  14. Kokavkrystallos

    US B-1B Drops Live Bombs in Firepower Warning to North Korea

    I find humor in madness, else I'd go insane with all this. As believers in Christ we can look forward to a time when a according to Isaiah 2:4, "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into...
  15. Kokavkrystallos

    US B-1B Drops Live Bombs in Firepower Warning to North Korea

    I highly doubt Biden was piloting the aircraft! Given his mental instability at this point, he might even suggest a WAR! And then forget he gave such orders!