Recent content by Kevin-D.77

  1. Kevin-D.77

    What would you change about your church?

    Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, Our church had this discussion a few months ago but thought it would be relevant to bring to light again. What are some things that you wish your church did differently in their effort to bring more souls to Christ? Some of the topics for us fell around...
  2. Kevin-D.77

    How to keep the spark alive in a relationship?

    Always be curious about one another. Get to know about his thoughts and interest and find ways to make them genuinely engaging to you.
  3. Kevin-D.77

    How has the growth in your spiritual walk changed your anime taste?

    Very true. I do not mind the mature themes (watching Vinland myself right now actually) I think for me, since I have been trying to be more aware of the content I am taking in, I've noticed that I have become more sensitive to nudity or sexual innuendos. I use to love Food Wars because to me it...
  4. Kevin-D.77

    Is it a sin to watch Neon genesis evangelion

    I would trust your conviction. If you feel that watching that show hinders your walk with Christ, it is better to just leave it out. There are plenty of other titles that you can watch out there and don't feel you are missing out of you don't watch this one.
  5. Kevin-D.77

    Never going to get married!

    I think that is an awesome decision! Live in your singleness and live fully for Christ! I know Peter is rejoicing Don't let anyone get in-between you and what God has called you to do.
  6. Kevin-D.77

    Premarital Counseling... That big a deal?

    UPDATE: Just as an update, going to be starting counseling next week! So i will soon learn for myself
  7. Kevin-D.77

    Type B Man Dating a Type A Woman

    Thank you for your feedback. There was some slight tension but it was coming from her perspective of what she thought a leader should look like. She was more envisioning your example of someone always dominating the conversation but that is not someone who i am or want to be. I never raise my...
  8. Kevin-D.77

    Type B Man Dating a Type A Woman

    You are absolutely right! I have been able to demonstrate my leadership in other areas since posting this thread and she has been able to feel much more relaxed and understand that my version of leadership looks different than what she was expecting. She assumed that leading meant leading with...
  9. Kevin-D.77

    How has the growth in your spiritual walk changed your anime taste?

    Just out of curiosity, i was wondering if people have felt convicted to alter their taste in anime because of their growth during their spiritual walk. For me, I'm trying to reduce the amount of shows that have sexual themes "Kill La Kill", "High School of the Dead", "Shokugeki No Soma" etc...
  10. Kevin-D.77

    I’m scared that I’m going to kill my self if I tell my girlfriend this.

    As someone who has struggled with pornography before, i feel your pain. But as most people on here have said, you can not overcome this in your own strength. What you are struggling with is lust and that is something that will never be satiated. What helped me was really get down to the root of...
  11. Kevin-D.77

    Type B Man Dating a Type A Woman

    Perfect! I'm always up for a good podcast so thank you for pointing me his way!
  12. Kevin-D.77

    Making Meaningful Guy Friends as a Guy

    For sure! I definitely believe in making experiences will be what builds the friendship. For me it is now just finding that balance of you're dope to be around and you're also serious about your walk with Christ. Which does tend to be more older people. But I know that I cannot be the only...
  13. Kevin-D.77

    Premarital Counseling... That big a deal?

    I don't think it is a prerequisite either, but I am still of the belief it is important to do. I hope when we are ready that it will be in a group as well! I've only seen it where it is one on one kind of things. But I am glad that you and your wife got great value out of it.
  14. Kevin-D.77

    Making Meaningful Guy Friends as a Guy

    Spot on. I have 3 high school friends that I keep in contact with pretty regularly but I think I could only really call one if I was in a crisis. And I've made friends over my travels over interest and like you said, were not as strong so that's almost like a text or something every couple of...
  15. Kevin-D.77

    Making Meaningful Guy Friends as a Guy

    Also as a side, my current job is primarily operated by women so no luck to be found there