Recent content by kenrapoza

  1. kenrapoza


    Hi All, I greatly appreciate the responses I received to my question regarding Archbishop Lazar and additional resources for the Western Christian trying to understand the Eastern church on its own terms. I was wondering about the idea of apokatastasis. Is ultimate, universal reconciliation...
  2. kenrapoza

    Archbishop Lazar

    Thank you very much!
  3. kenrapoza

    Archbishop Lazar

    Actually, that's probably good because I'm looking for something more advanced rather than just the basics. I also had a specific doctrinal question, but I will probably start a new thread for that one as it is not really related to just Lazar.
  4. kenrapoza

    I feel scared to preach about Election and Predestination...

    Where did he go? I've become scarce on here nowadays, but I remember that he used to be a mainstay...
  5. kenrapoza

    Archbishop Lazar

    Intersesting, how is it that you know him personally? Also, what is it about him that makes you so emphatic about avoiding him? And yeah, when it comes to Frank Schaeffer I would never consider him to be a reasonable source. He manages to be an embarrassment both to Orthodoxy and Reformed...
  6. kenrapoza

    Archbishop Lazar

    Thanks again guys! I will certainly read the statements from St. Mark and check out the podcast. If y’all don’t mind I would like to ask a specific theological question regarding some of the teachings I’ve heard from Lazar. I realize that I’ve been sufficiently warned...
  7. kenrapoza

    Archbishop Lazar

    Thanks guys that's very helpful! Some of your comments about Lazar have confirmed some of the impressions I've gotten from watching him. I have Kallistos Ware's book "The Orthodox Church", but I was looking for something that delved a little more into EO theology. Would his other writings...
  8. kenrapoza

    Archbishop Lazar

    Hi All, As an outsider to the EO faith, but someone that is interested in learning more about EO from its own theologians rather than from other outsiders looking in, I was wondering if Archbishop Lazar is considered to be a credible source among the Orthodox. My understanding is that some of...
  9. kenrapoza

    So what does it mean to be presbyterian exactly?

    Yeah, the CREC - but beware, it is the de facto home of the Federal Vision...
  10. kenrapoza

    Difference between PCA and OPC?

    Here's a brief article describing the differences between the two denominations written by a Pastor who ministers in both: Differences between the OPC and PCA
  11. kenrapoza

    PCUSA gives "In Christ Alone" the Boot

    Hedrick, it sounds like you lean in more of a Christus Victor direction. Is that a fair understanding of your post??
  12. kenrapoza


    Welcome aboard, I hope that this church provides you with good Christ-centered teaching!
  13. kenrapoza


    Hello and welcome. The term "confessional" does not in any way imply confession of sin to a pastor. When a church is confessional, that is a way of saying that it holds to the beliefs and practices of it's historical "confessions of faith". These are very detailed and systematic doctrinal...
  14. kenrapoza

    Do you believe Arminians are saved?

    I agree with the above statement. I will never imply that an Arminian is not a true Christian unless it is evident that the content of their faith is other than a complete resting on Christ alone for salvation. Obviously, Arminian theology implicitly denies solus christus, but many Arminians...
  15. kenrapoza

    What Presbyterians Believe

    Yes, I agree with Eddie here. Whether or not we fully grasp a concept is a completely different question than whether or not something can exist without its opposite being present.