Recent content by Jipsah

  1. Jipsah

    Science and the Bible

    Well, if you're depending on the Bible for eny kind of engineering data you're up a stump. I was/am an Electrical Engineer, and if I had to depend on the Bible for info on how to build a simple tank circuit (or much of anything else, for that matter) it simply wouldn't get built. So say bye...
  2. Jipsah

    Why Do Christians Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

    Well there ya are, then! Everybody in Tejas really was in on it.
  3. Jipsah

    Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

    YOur lot seem to set a lot more store by the part of the Bible that pertain to the world before the coming of our Lord than the the oned that pertains to our Lord Himself. Doesn't that seem odd to you? Yeah, I get that from the Gospel of John. Oh, uyou mean that all things were made by Him...
  4. Jipsah

    Why Do Christians Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

    AS it turns out, pretty much everybody in Dallas, and maybe even everybody in Texas was in on it.
  5. Jipsah

    Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

    If that's what you want you hope of salvation on, go for it. OK. He created. Stipulated. Interest? Of course. Is that where we find out hope for eternal life? No. The gospel isn't in the Old Testament. He came unto His own (who knew the OT forward and backward) and His own received Him...
  6. Jipsah

    Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

    And? Because? OK, I won't. But if I'm trying to persuade someone that the Christian Faith is true, I don't bother with Adam and Eve, or Creation, dietary laws, or, in fact, much of anything from the OT other than than the existence of God. I tell them that God came Himself to set everything...
  7. Jipsah

    Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

    I have a simple solution that works for me. The OT is what the Jews believed. Other than a general sense of God having designed (yeah, I know y'all don't think He designed anything, He just magiced into existence) but I couldn't conceivably care any less) everything to work as He intended...
  8. Jipsah

    Dr. Francis Collins and Theistic Evolution

    Evidence seems to be that it was the Chinese, who had contracted to the US giv't to do gain of function research on corona viruses. Whether it was meant to be "weaponized" is open to speculation. My version of a conspiracy theory of history is the FUBAR theory. History tends to show a trail of...
  9. Jipsah

    Does Theistic Evolution Honor and Glorify God.

    But your primary objection is to the idea that God doesn't reckon time as we do, since that would play hob with your YE doctrine. And again, you have to prevent Scripture from ruining your doctrine. But that's also your a priori assumption, innit? So you chuck out any information that doesn't...
  10. Jipsah

    Does Theistic Evolution Honor and Glorify God.

    What it means is that God doesn't reckon time as we do. We needn't add a false precision to statements that don't call for it. Look at the psalm. The Psalmist wasn't giving us mathematical data there, was he? Let's not act like he was. "a thousand years is like a day for Him" wasn't...
  11. Jipsah

    Do Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians worship the same God?

    Why? Egyptian Christians were calling God "Allah" for a good many centuries before Mahound showed up to muddy the waters. I think everyone ought to address God as "Hahna-nim" and Jesus as "Yaysu-nim. (Korean, the "nim" is a formal honorific).
  12. Jipsah

    Do Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians worship the same God?

    Neither do the Jews, but most Christians would say they believe the same God that we do. Hmmm...
  13. Jipsah

    Do Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians worship the same God?

    Actually the Muslim understanding of Allah is a lot closer to the Jewish understanding of YHWH than Christianity is to either. Jew declare "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God, the Lord is One!." Muslims proclaim "There is no god but God!" Christians say "in the Name of the Father, the Son, and...
  14. Jipsah

    Mark of the Beast

    Any of his demons would probably accept that job, and an animatroic statue is pretty old school nowadays,innit? They got 'em in Chucky Cheese, for all love! Never heard of it. Since it means nothing at all to me I reckon I'll leave it.
  15. Jipsah

    Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

    I think Luther was right about the Revelation.