Recent content by JennyPenny901

  1. JennyPenny901

    I live in fear please pray for me

    Ever since I was as young as I can remember I’ve always gotten nightmares very easily. Not only have I gotten nightmares from stories or movies or a TV show but I’ve had nightmares from songs or words people have said. I’ve always had an overactive imagination. Most of the time it’s a gift...
  2. JennyPenny901

    Please pray about my daddy issues

    My Dad doesn't love me and he doesn't want any sort of relationship with me he has made that very clear. I've kept the door open to that in case he ever changes his mind but it hurts that he doesn't love me or doesn't want any relationship with me. I would be willing to be just friends with him...
  3. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for my brother William

    I wanna ask for prayer for my brother William. William has severe Autism and though he is 23 years old his mind is 5 years old on a good day. He walks on his toes, flaps his hands, makes noises, speaks gibberish and baby talk, rocks back and forth, and all the things that come with severe...
  4. JennyPenny901

    I need prayer please

    I struggle with suicidal thoughts and I don't want them. I don't want to take my life I want to live for Jesus. I have battled with this before a few times and I've been prayed for about this before many times as well. For a time they leave sometimes for several months they are gone and then...
  5. JennyPenny901

    I need prayer about prayer

    I pray to GOD every day on a regular basis and I'm thankful for that. I want to talk with Him though not just to Him about a few things on my mind. Now I know right now I can just talk to Him and tell Him whats on my mind. I want to actually converse with Him though like have an actual back and...
  6. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for my teeth

    I'm praying for and asking for prayer for healing for my teeth. No one on my Mom's side of the family has good teeth they all have huge amounts of dental problems and I inherited the bad teeth gene. So I can brush and floss till the cows come home and my teeth and gums are still gonna rot in my...
  7. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for me I'm being spiritually attacked.

    I'm being spiritually attacked with thoughts that I don't want to take my own life which I don't want to do. I keep having to battle off these thoughts and I keep telling them to go away and stay away in Jesus Name. Sometimes they stay away a long time but it seems like sooner or later they come...
  8. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for an ongoing struggle in my life

    I'm a single lady and ever since I was 12 or 13 (and I'm now 30) I've struggled with being attracted to males. Now I know every human being on the plant has this struggle to a degree of some sort. But for me it's just way out of hand. Everytime I meet a man at Church I'm instantly thinking...
  9. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for relationship

    There is a single Christian man I am really attracted to. The thing is we are not even friends right now but that's my fault I've done nothing to encourage friendship or anything else. I'm just worried that I will say or do something really stupid. Please pray that we will become friends and if...
  10. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for my Bible study

    I have recently been lead to do a study on homosexuality and Christianity. It's a big issue where I live and so I've started studying not only what the Bible says but the context in which it was said. I am going very deep into this. So I ask for prayer for GOD's leading and light on this...
  11. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for me I'm scared

    I need prayer. I've scared myself I'm literally physically shaking right now. I didn't mean to scare myself it wasn't intentional. What happened was about a week ago I entered a writing contest and if I win I could win $100 and have my story that I wrote published. Even if I don't win my story...
  12. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for GOD's protection over me

    I went for a walk yesterday as I enjoy going for walks but I can't do that anymore cause yesterday I caught a man learing at me staring at me. I always see him around the same guy whenever I go for walks so yesterday I asked him why he was staring at me. He just called me a bunch of horrible...
  13. JennyPenny901

    I need prayer please

    A while ago I posted a prayer request for prayers that I would stop having a crush on a married man. It did leave and for a while it was gone but now it's back. It was triggered by a recent dream I had in my dream I was at birthday party being held for me and the married man was in it and in the...
  14. JennyPenny901

    I have decided to move please pray

    Well I've prayed about it and I've decided to move. How I'm gonna get the finances or anything else I need well I'll just depend on the Lord to provide and I'll go forward in faith that He will provide. My goal is to be moved out before I turn 30 on September 1st 2017. I'm not trying to put a...
  15. JennyPenny901

    Please pray for wisdom for me

    I'm thinking and praying on moving. I just want a change meet new people experience new things stuff like that. The place I'm looking to move to has lots of work that I can get, affordable rent and most importantly has Churches the preach the Gospel. I do want to move I want the change. The only...