Recent content by jasmine_childoftheking

  1. jasmine_childoftheking

    Vanished: In The Blink of an Eye (Left Behind Series Fanfic #1)

    [another chapter] Chapter III Lucille Moise grew up in Mount Prospect until she graduated from Prospect High School. She began attending the University of South Chicago and was staying in a dorm. She hardly visited, except during holidays. Her brother Harold and sister Cheryl went to Prospect...
  2. jasmine_childoftheking

    Vanished: In The Blink of an Eye (Left Behind Series Fanfic #1)

    [Another chapter] Chapter II Robert Burton lived in Mount Prospect until he graduated from High School. He had blondish hair and was tall. He moved out on his own in the inner city of Chicago and went to learn how to fly a plane. He became a second officer relief pilot for the Pan-Con 747, and...
  3. jasmine_childoftheking


    Well, here's something I'll point out in regards to this debate: I don't think we can know for sure. Jesus did say that "No one knows the day or the hour, not even the angels or the Son. Only the Father knows." So we can't really know for sure when the Rapture will be or if there is to be...
  4. jasmine_childoftheking

    Vanished: In The Blink of an Eye (Left Behind Series Fanfic #1)

    Hope you enjoy the first chapter. Chapter 1: *** Carl and his brother Dirk grew up in Wales. Both attended Princeton University where Carl studied journalism. While in college, he met Donna. Both were invited to a church seminar, where they both prayed to become Christians. They soon married...
  5. jasmine_childoftheking

    Vanished: In The Blink of an Eye (Left Behind Series Fanfic #1)

    Hi. I've been re-reading the Left Behind series (going back and forth between the adult and kids series). Well, I'm attempting to write a Left Behind series fanfic (new character additions and expanding as well). I do not own any of the characters from the Left Behind series or Left Behind: The...
  6. jasmine_childoftheking

    Left behind political style

    This is interesting, I’ve been re-reading the Left Behind series and my pastor is doing a sermon series about living in the last days. I’ve been thinking of attempting to write a series of Left Behind fanfic.. addition of new characters and expanding.
  7. jasmine_childoftheking

    Songs for those who Grieve

    Here's a couple by Jeremy Camp that I think it's fitting for those who are grieving their loss.
  8. jasmine_childoftheking

    Mob attack on Pakistani Christians leads to serious injury.

    I had no idea. I kind of knew that Christianity in Pakistan was in the minority. I know God wants to reach out to every person in the world, but I can see it’s no easy task, especially in that part of the world. I’ll continue to pray for the Christians in Pakistan and any other that they would...
  9. jasmine_childoftheking

    Prayers for those who have lost loved ones

    My pastor lost his wife to brain cancer back in October. While it’s beyond understanding, there’s the hope that my pastor will one day be reunited with her. I would say that it’s not wrong to grieve. As Christians, we’re told to grieve not in the same way who have no hope.
  10. jasmine_childoftheking

    favorite musical?!?

    My absolute favorite is Jekyll and Hyde. It's really in depth about the struggle within human nature- where one person (Dr. Jekyll) wants to do good and another person (Mr. Hyde) wants to do evil. It's got to be hard to have one actor to play both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (especially in the...
  11. jasmine_childoftheking

    My Top 3 Musicals Are...

    If I have to pick a top 3 favorite musical, they would be 1. Jekyll and Hyde 2. Les MIserable 3. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
  12. jasmine_childoftheking

    Your Dream Role

    So many to choose from. I think if I had a dream role in broadway, they would be Emma Carew or Lucy Harris from Jekyll and Hyde, Christine Daae from Phantom of the Opera, Eurydice from Hadestown, maybe Lucy or Sally from You're A Good Man Charlie Brown, Cosette or Epoine from Les Miserable.
  13. jasmine_childoftheking

    Left Behind.

    This is interesting poem about someone whose been left behind. I’ve actually thought about writing a series of Left Behind fanfics.. new characters addition, some more with Global Community Middle School, maybe set it during our day (which of course, it can be set at any time). Also, what if...
  14. jasmine_childoftheking

    Please be careful when reading fanfiction

    Also, I’m sure people out there should be careful in what they write in fanfic. Given what Hollywood likes to put out these days in movies, who knows what people could write in fanfic.
  15. jasmine_childoftheking

    Any fan fiction writers?

    I’m aware that fanfics exist, like fans of books or a movie or a TV wants to have fun in speculating or expanding. I haven’t really written any, though I’m sure there are some fanfic writers on here.