Recent content by JAM2b

  1. JAM2b

    what would u give?

    I wouldn't give a gift card without the husband's agreement. I like the idea of a BBQ, but if you invite one neighbor, then the other neighbor might notice and wonder why they weren't invited.
  2. JAM2b

    Divorced! About changing my last name

    When I divorced I did not change my name back. It seemed like too much of a hassle. I had kids with the same last name. I also came from a bad family and didn't want to be associated with my own family anymore. As someone who has been divorced for a long time, fewer people care about that than...
  3. JAM2b


    If someone were aggressive toward me, I would avoid them. I would be fearful of it escalating and being harmed. That's just me though. If you think they are not aware that what they are doing is offensive, you could try to talk to them in a calm moment and let them know how it made you feel...
  4. JAM2b

    What Can I do About My Enemy?

    Could she move in with you?
  5. JAM2b

    Not allowed to go to church

    You may have to deal not getting to go to the church of your choice until you are old enough and able to move out of his home. If there is no abuse going on, then keeping peace in your family is important. There are online options. Do you think you could do that without it causing a problem?
  6. JAM2b

    in the middle...obligations to hosts or guests?

    It doesn't sound as if it is a big problem. If they were visibly crawling on her clothing or in and out of her purse, I might say something about double checking and being careful about not bringing any along with you. But short of that, I'd just go on as if nothing were wrong. I don't think...
  7. JAM2b

    Are these common practices?

    I've never seen a Baptist church have a class or interview before joining. They would ask you about salvation and Baptism, but it was a more informal conversation. If you were moving from another Baptist church, sometimes they would get a letter from your previous pastor. If you were not already...
  8. JAM2b

    Are these common practices?

    I don't know what this particular church means by it, but generally "walking the aisle" is just in reference to walking up the aisle at the end of the service to talk to the pastor, pray, make a public profession of faith, or ask to join the church. Some people don't like to do it because of the...
  9. JAM2b

    Last minute job interview, migraine. Quick prayer.

    Praying that it goes well and you get relief from your headache.
  10. JAM2b

    Please read, very important! Should I make this promise to God?

    We shouldn't make any promises. It's like an oath or a vow. Jesus said not to do that. Matthew 5:33-37 33 “Again, you have heard that the ancients were told, ‘You shall not make false vows, but shall fulfill your vows to the Lord.’ 34 But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven...
  11. JAM2b

    adjusting to the new normal

    Unfortunately this is the world we live in. He had no business being that close even without a pandemic. People are mean spirited and like to harass others. A while back a friend had shared that she told a person who was too close to her in line at the register, "Unless you plan on paying for...
  12. JAM2b

    Is it possible to be a CD and DVD person in 2022?

    I've thought about doing this. I own CDs, DVDs, and blu-rays. I think I would miss Netflix too much though, and I keep music playing on Youtube in the the background.
  13. JAM2b

    Upfront Medical Costs

    It could be possible that the urgent care clinic you went to was not in network with your insurance. That would make it cost more for you.
  14. JAM2b

    Upfront Medical Costs

    Does your insurance not have a co-payment or coinsurance for you to pay? If so, then that should be the only thing you have to pay upfront unless you having a procedure done. The only way of finding out how much the doctors will want is to call and ask them. Also, check with your insurance to...
  15. JAM2b

    Guidance for Medication Change

    Thank you everyone. We decided to go ahead and switch medications to the less expensive one. Please pray that this transition from one medication to another will go well and the new one will be beneficial.