Recent content by ikonographics

  1. ikonographics

    Health update

    Thank you!
  2. ikonographics

    Health update

    Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support! I really appreciate it! Through a miracle of Archangel Michael and St Nektarios I have finally found a doctor who is able to help me. The only trouble is that the appointments and very expensive specialist tests are not covered by my insurance. So...
  3. ikonographics

    Our member Ikonographics

    I would have to eat about 17 bananas a day to get enough potassium.... and I'm sick to death of bananas!!! Never mind that I have to eat potatoes, beet greens and spinach EVERY DAY...Popeye has nothing on me!I really need a miracle at the moment. But Archangel Michael arranged one thanks to a...
  4. ikonographics

    Our member Ikonographics

    Thanks everyone for the prayers! I really need them! For those wondering why I am so sick. It's very complicated and at a dead end. I can't absorb B12 and need alternate day injections to control permanent neurological damage I have from deficiency. These deplete my potassium. Normally I would...
  5. ikonographics

    Thrown away antidoron

    Strictly speaking non-Orthodox should not even eat antidoron. It is meant to be eaten after fasting by those at the Liturgy who have not received communion which is why it is called anti-doron (instead of the gifts).
  6. ikonographics

    Can magic hurt anyone?

    Westerners seem to think magic is either illusion or fairytail. I've lived half my life in Africa and half in Greece and I can tell you that magic is not something to be messed with, which is why the priest's prayerbook has a prayer against magic. This it why it is important as Christians to...
  7. ikonographics

    Not a single Church burnt!

    Amidst the tragedy of the fires near Athens that cost nearly 100 lives there have been numerous being that not a single church or shrine was damaged in the slightest. The fires just passed them by!
  8. ikonographics

    Pray for Greece!!! At least 49 dead...

    The latest reports are that there at least 60 people dead, hundreds injured and many missing. The stories coming out are horrific. 26 people trying to escape to the beach through a property only to find a cliff in front of them. Their charred remains were found in an embrace this morning :cry...
  9. ikonographics

    "our fathers among the saints" (EO, OO)

    It you read the acts of the 7th Ecumenical council you will see how contradictory their teachings are. I explain some of the problems of the modern "theology of the icon" in these two articles:
  10. ikonographics

    Pray for Greece!!! At least 49 dead...

    Did you know I painted your profile picture?
  11. ikonographics

    Pray for Greece!!! At least 49 dead...

    Wild fires broke out on two sides of Athens yesterday destroying everything in their paths. One village doesn't exist anymore. At least 49 people have been killed and hundreds injured. The scenes are apocalyptic...
  12. ikonographics

    "our fathers among the saints" (EO, OO)

    They're looking right and left because the are badly painted. Simple as that. No hidden meaning :-)
  13. ikonographics

    "our fathers among the saints" (EO, OO)

    A lot of the "symbolism" in icons was invented by Russian Romanticist "theologians" of the Paris School in the 20th century to make icons attractive to westerners. Their "theology of the icon" is contradictory to the teachings of the Church Fathers and Ecumenical councils.
  14. ikonographics

    Canon Shock

    Therapeutic, not punitive. Sometimes medicine is bitter. But this particular canon is a type of long hymn, not a canon as in "canon law"
  15. ikonographics

    Byzantine Iconography Tutorials on Skillshare

    For anyone interested my first tutorial in the series on "Drawing the Face" is now available on Skillshare and the rest of the series will soon be uploaded. These tutorials also have subtitles for the deaf. Get 2 months free Premium membership if you sign up with this link. The tutorials will...