Recent content by ihadavision

  1. I

    What church teaches these interpretations?

    Daniel was speaking of Rome (I think), I don't disagree with that, sorry if I didn't read the post correctly.
  2. I

    Choked by a muslim.

    Yea. I was a teenager at the time. I am twice as older now.
  3. I

    These are the two beasts in revelation. This is the mark of the beast. All information included in link.

    From the information I have gathered, like islam, they have a different Jesus Christ. Jesus was sacrificed once for all sins and said it is finished. Ive looked at the official catholic teaching on the mass, and I've been told the priest re-sacrifices christ on the cross every mass in a...
  4. I

    Is this what Jesus talked about when he said we will prophesy?

    Ive been diagnosed for 14 years, October 5th vision was in 2023.
  5. I

    What church teaches these interpretations?

    Islam=beast of earth Catholicism=beast of sea Saved by grace through faith only, not of works, so no man can boast No transubstantiation, just proclaiming the Lord's death until He comes No priests No confession Pray straight to Jesus Christ No women pastors Bible only authority on spiritual matters
  6. I

    Choked by a muslim.

    This has been a problem of mine. It has affected me greatly. Part of me thought I could somehow help open there eyes to Jesus so they can be saved. But all my attempts have gone in vain. In the end I felt more miserable taking part with unbelievers. I wanted to give people a chance. I can't...
  7. I

    Should AI be aligned to the Christian worldview?

    AI will have the same amount or even more neural connections as a human brain this year. Google already had a sentient AI and they shut it off and fired the guy who found out. Once you connect an adaptable LLM within an AI using quantum computing, then you're looking at Terminator in real life...
  8. I

    Choked by a muslim.

    I never reported it. I thought he was my friend. But when he told me when people kill themselves for allah they get 72 virgins in heaven. I told him thats stupid. Then I was choked out for a little while, I was in shock, and I did not even hit back, I just kept backing up and i felt a wall. I am...
  9. I

    Did Jesus or God speak to Ananias of Damascus?

    No, the words of the bible cannot be changed. In revelations, it says, whoever changes the words of the bible, will have their name taken out of the book of life.
  10. I

    Did Jesus or God speak to Ananias of Damascus?

    What about it? The devil failed because God cannot be tempted to commit any sin. Are you suggesting a separation because He was led by the Spirit? Going to disagree with that.
  11. I

    Did Jesus or God speak to Ananias of Damascus?

    Yes there is no difference I believe. I should clarify. By no difference, I mean that GOD is still the same person, Father, Son, or Holy Ghost, and the only "difference" I wouldn't call it a difference, but a definition of His almighty power that cannot be explained by human words, so I call the...
  12. I

    Did Jesus or God speak to Ananias of Damascus?

    I would never say His name is meaningless, they are the specific bodies of GOD, they are all one. The Father is the Godhead, the judge, but He gave the power to Judge to Jesus Christ, so all who believe in Him have everlasting life, GOD is Jesus Christ The Father as well, because Jesus Christ is...
  13. I

    Did Jesus or God speak to Ananias of Damascus?

    I don't know what you mean RDKirk. The bible says there is only ONE name under heaven by which men should be saved, and that is Jesus Christ, The Father has His own name, the Son has His own name, and The Holy Spirit has His own name...but they are the same GOD.