Recent content by Hazelelponi

  1. Hazelelponi

    'Star Wars' spinoff 'The Acolyte' pushes LGBT ideology: 'Get ready for pronouns in Star Wars'

    I grew up watching Disney's movie every Sunday night, it was the only television we were allowed to watch. Herbie the love bug and more was my Disney youth... And there's literally no comparison to that now... There wasn't even a comparison when my kids were growing up, by then Disney was...
  2. Hazelelponi

    'Star Wars' spinoff 'The Acolyte' pushes LGBT ideology: 'Get ready for pronouns in Star Wars'

    I don't know why every single parent hasn't already boycotted Disney for their children. I certainly don't watch anything Disney is involved with now.
  3. Hazelelponi

    Right wing media is facing a reckoning for lying to consumers

    I think suing people for engagement with their rights in this country is the same as government infringement upon the right to free speech. Because state courts are involved assigning penalties for speech, which is government.
  4. Hazelelponi

    Southern Baptist Convention to vote on expelling churches with female pastors

    This is good. Hopefully it passes. I don't know what Atheists and other non Christians care about church matters though. This is a matter of Scripture and it's proper interpretation. Not really a public issue.
  5. Hazelelponi

    Right wing media is facing a reckoning for lying to consumers

    So basically your saying they are jailing people and otherwise silencing people who are engaging in their rights which in this country cannot be infringed upon by government entities according to the Constitution. Good to know the left is trashing the constitution some more.
  6. Hazelelponi

    Gasp, I'm sort of an Amillennialist!

    Most of the Christian denominations have traditionally been Amillenial or something very similar for most of church history. While other eschatological positions are more popular today some were long ago dismissed as heretical or something similar. I uphold an Amillenial eschatology myself.
  7. Hazelelponi

    The GOP has a chance....

    I thank you for your thoughtfulness, but I think Trump is the only one who can do this. We have expanded the party with Trump, and the platform represents something I think we can all get behind, elections have never been about liking every single policy, it's about whether in the main it's...
  8. Hazelelponi

    Government schools have become day camps for indoctrinating a woke cadre

    You should still have children, children are always a blessing from God. I will say today you should be educated enough to homeschool your own children - but this absolutely requires a two parent home with the ability to live on only one income. You can still do this if you get away from the...
  9. Hazelelponi

    Blood on a steak when it was not supposed to be there… I wiped it away, so was it OK and I consumed none of the blood?

    Matthew 15:11 "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” As a besides, that little bit of red liquid that comes from a rare to medium rare steak isn't actually blood. Just an FYI that.
  10. Hazelelponi

    My step mum is getting baptised into the Mormon church. As a Christian should I attend?

    Nah I don't think the poster needed a defense for the Trinity, I think he was just curious. I used to be Muslim, and Muslims don't baptize but the concept would be the same. The Triune God is a different God from what the rest worship, and anything sacramental would not be valid coming from a...
  11. Hazelelponi

    My step mum is getting baptised into the Mormon church. As a Christian should I attend?

    I don't know anything about the Mormons to be helpful. I think you explained beautifully. I learned a lot and found it interesting.. I would have just said they aren't Trinitarians because that is invalidating for baptism... You have to be baptized in the Name of and with the intention of the...
  12. Hazelelponi

    Joe Manchin Quits Democratic Party

    That's kinda life isn't it? No one has an opinion on what you do in the privacy of your own home, it's when you bring it into the public sphere that problems arise.
  13. Hazelelponi

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    Trump is? He isn't sitting there ruining the country at every turn like Biden is. Biden took plenty of credit in his creepy little grin of confirmation that he was behind every second of this trial, so if that's the kind of country the Democrats want - one where we just jail our political...
  14. Hazelelponi

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory ^^^ a few words from a legal scholar and 2020 Biden voter
  15. Hazelelponi


    I hope every single left winger has to choke on what they've done. Always remember, your Marxist revolution here always always eats it's own.