Recent content by HarleyER

  1. H

    Why Do Atheists Engage in Discussions with Christians?

    People today want to "connect" and "understand" non-believers perspectives. According to Scripture, their perspective is simply that they want to justify and excuse their sinful behavior (Romans 1-2). This isn't a criticism but simply a matter-of-fact statement. I don't think we need to be...
  2. H

    My Death Penalty Challenge

    Jesus did not get rid of the death penalty. Christ suppored the death penalty as listed in the Old Testament: Mark 10:19 You know the commandments, ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’” BTW-Paul...
  3. H

    How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

    It's hard to say which style works the best. One has to let the Holy Spirit work in a person's life. For example, Johnathan Edwards' sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", was literally of the "fire and brimstone" type. As I understand it, Edwards preached it in a very "matter of...
  4. H

    How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

    I see nothing wrong with what you stated. Your conviction that you might not have sounded as lovingly as you could is unfounded. People love their sins (John 3:19) and they hate the scriptures. I suspect your Catholic relative offered no scriptures to support their view (except probably "God...
  5. H

    The logical problem with Calvin and Calvinism

    Job is history put into a poetic format. Like much of the Hebrew grammar in other places, the Hebrews often said stated things in a chiastic structure. A very simple chiastic structure is Mark 2:27 And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." Same thing just...
  6. H

    Healing/blessing Testimonies Unbiblical?

    Those all all very good and excellent points and I agree with everything you say. But I can see where my post was confusing. Somehow, I got sidetracked into the nature of sin and my statement was wrong. I stand rebuke. : O) Originally, I wasn't thinking so much of one willfully or...
  7. H

    The Fortunate Fall, was it fortunate for mankind that we fell?

    1) Was the fall fortunate or [sic] unfortunate? I don't know if "fortunate" or "unfortunate" is the right term. God is holy and glorious. And it was His will to share this glory with man. Man was created to share in God's glory. Isaiah 43:7 Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I...
  8. H

    Healing/blessing Testimonies Unbiblical?

    I have often struggled with the same thoughts as you have for all the reasons you have listened. I try not to be drawn into looking at motivations for these testimonies, either positively or negatively. Christianity is a personal walk with God. What I TRY to do is focus on MY sinfulness...
  9. H

    The logical problem with Calvin and Calvinism

    I know this is a very old argument (two: body, soul/spirit or three: body, soul and spirit) and has never been fully decided by Orthodoxy Christianity. So while Calvin might have view it one way, he was not alone. Lots of good theologians viewed it this way. However, your perspective isn't...
  10. H

    Evolution Theory Existed Long Before Darwin

    It's rather laughable for a Catholic, with their beads, prayers to Mary/saints, relics, etc., to tell a Protestant about the "idol of evolution". BTW-I just checked and the Catholic Church takes no official position on evolution. So you're safe to believe in creation. Come on over.
  11. H

    Noah-Lots of Water in the Oceans and Subterranean Oceans

    You haven't stated what Bible you use. I'd be interested since you seem to quote from. As far as "Adam was like other animals in the sense that he was brought forth by the Earth", this is nonsense according to scripture. He wasn't brought forth by the Earth. He was created by God: Genesis...
  12. H

    My take on Original Sin

    I would agree with you on the concept of original sin and your conclusion. Instead of sin being inherit, I see it more as a way we are. Adam, being perfect, sinned simply by Eve waving a piece of fruit in front of him. It is simply our nature to be rebellious (evil) towards God. But I...
  13. H

    Evolution Theory Existed Long Before Darwin

    "The event where Jesus changes water to wine has no evidence other than the biblical account. More specifically, there is no evidence that this event did not occur." Well that explains everything. If you don't believe in the scripture, then what exactly are you basing your faith on; science...
  14. H

    Noah-Lots of Water in the Oceans and Subterranean Oceans

    "Since God never said it was global..." Let's see: 1) The water rose above the earth: Genesis 7:17 Then the flood came upon the earth for forty days, and the water increased and lifted up the ark, so that it rose above the earth. 2) The earth as it existed was destroyed: Genesis 9:11 I...
  15. H

    Noah-Lots of Water in the Oceans and Subterranean Oceans

    It is rather ironic that you're the one telling me to have some faith in God, while at the same time you deny the power of God to create the world in six days or cause a world wide flood. You tell me that I place my faith in "man's revision" of God's word, yet I have no idea what you are even...