Recent content by graceandpeace

  1. graceandpeace

    I Feel Lost and Alone in the Church

    I really wish I knew what to say to help. I've been struggling with my own issues. I can identify readily with reasons why some quit the Church, & at times I also wonder how I've stuck around. I'm trying to get better, to heal from all that has wounded my faith. I'm seeking healing by trying to...
  2. graceandpeace

    By 2021, the Episcopal Church will enter full communion with the United Methodist Church

    I don't know. Ultimately, I think I will be fine with it, but I think there are many questions that will need to be answered. I'm not going to get into it here (I'm not on the site as much as I used to be), but for now I can trust the process. Basically, wait & see.
  3. graceandpeace

    Being an Ally and Standing before God

    This was my realization as well. Since I can see different possible ways to read & understand the often-cited biblical texts, I must choose love for the LGBT community. Not the "love the sinner, hate the sin" bitter jab that is not really loving at all, but real love that welcomes & shows mercy...
  4. graceandpeace

    WWMC Name Change Interest Poll and Discussion

    Ok, I haven't gone through all of the responses, but I'd be fine with Progressive Christianity or something similar.
  5. graceandpeace

    Thinking of going to an Episcopal Church for the first time... anything I should know in advance?

    Come & see! We welcome you. If you have visited already, please feel free to ask questions or tell us about your visit. I came to the Episcopal Church from another denomination a few years ago after much seeking. Blessings on your journey.
  6. graceandpeace

    Is something really free if you attach a bunch conditions and demands to it?

    I guess what "conditions" exist depends on who you talk to. Salvation is wholeness, healing. We can't be whole or heal if we live lives that wound others & ourselves - and I don't agree that salvation is a one time only deal. We must continually, everyday, love & serve others. It's a process...
  7. graceandpeace

    I can't even recognize the Christianity I see

    I know how you feel. I took a break from this site in part because of some of the ugliness I've seen & the despair I've felt since the election, though my spirits have lifted somewhat. I was skipping every so many services because I just really couldn't understand. I'm getting better. I have...
  8. graceandpeace

    Just focus on New Testament?

    Both testaments have issues. The OT is far worse, but I think Christians should be able to see a progression from the OT to NT in how to understand God. Tribal God with rules to a God that more plainly requires mercy & love. Many Christians in the US seem to prefer the tribal vision.
  9. graceandpeace

    How did you react on hearing the Christian message for the first time?

    I struggled with depression in my teen years. After some Bible reading, spotty church attendance, & tracts, I decided one day that Jesus is the Way. Had a stint in fundamentalist type of church, then evangelical oriented churches, before becoming an Episcopalian. Lately I struggle with the...
  10. graceandpeace

    father issues

    I'm sorry to hear this. Lately my own troubles stem from both the election & battles with doubt. I love my church, I have friends there, the clergy members are good people...but I feel hopelessly sad that so many people in this country (including in my own family) have this terrifying...
  11. graceandpeace

    It's been a month

    I'm actually not surprised by the election result. That doesn't make it any easier to accept. Some people are "one issue" voters: it's abortion, or gun rights, etc, no matter how vile the actual candidate. For others, the (unrealistic) economic promises won them over. And for others, it was...
  12. graceandpeace

    Explaining liberal theology, etc to kids

    Right, I'm thinking about young kids. Sometimes reading the stories (from a decent children's story Bible, actually) still leaves me reading about people being killed. These are young kids & when they ask or seem scared...I just don't know how to deal with that in a way they understand. I can't...
  13. graceandpeace

    Explaining liberal theology, etc to kids

    Can anyone offer insight or resources for explaining what might be called liberal theology/progressive Christianity/etc to kids? Example, dealing with the mythology & otherwise troubling stories in the Bible. Sometimes when I'm reading Bible stories with kids, the horror or ridiculousness of...
  14. graceandpeace

    Advent - Are we doing it right

    There are different traditions surrounding Advent. I don't know that any of them are wrong. In my Episcopal Church & in my home, we use 3 blue candles & 1 pink. The blue is associated with Mary & with hope, anticipation. It is difficult, especially with kids, to distinguish Advent &...