Recent content by GenemZ

  1. GenemZ

    Am I The Only One

    One thing has nothing to do with the other. The "narrow way" that few find is the way of learning sound doctrinal thinking that leads to maturity in Christ which grants one the ability to life life to the fullest. Jesus came that was may have life more abundantly. Most Christians are not that...
  2. GenemZ

    Am I The Only One

    Why are people going to the Lake of Fire? What reason?
  3. GenemZ

    A global flood is simply untenable

    Noah's flood was only intended to destroy corrupted mankind. Man was yet in his infancy and not that many humans were walking the earth at that time. Also, all men had to be within an earshot of Noah to hear God's warnings of coming judgment. At that time in history the term "whole earth'...
  4. GenemZ

    I love the Mother of God!

    Now who was that supposed to impress??? Imagine if Jesus pulled that kind of tactic when Satan tempted him in the wilderness? :preach: ...... give us the Word.
  5. GenemZ

    I love the Mother of God!

    Mary was the "chosen vessel" by God to only provide a sinless body for the sacrifice of the Cross needed. Hence, when He [Christ] entered into the world, He said, Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but instead You have made ready a body for Me [to offer] Amplified Heb 10:5...
  6. GenemZ

    Is believing/faith a work ?

    You have been sold on that because those who claim it can not distinguish between what was called "works" in Jesus day. Some of them are also sold on Calvinism and that gets bizarre and I do not want to go there. What was works? Rabbis and pharisees would create their own lists of things to...
  7. GenemZ

    Is believing/faith a work ?

    OK .. don't believe in Jesus then. Better now? The Devil is the author of confusion. God wants us to stop being simple minded....
  8. GenemZ

    Is believing/faith a work ?

    That is what we have been accepted by the mainstream religious media. We must learn what was meant when it says not by works. (plurality means a religious system of deeds to follow to earn salvation) On the other hand, it does not say.... Not by ANY work. (singular - not a system -...
  9. GenemZ

    Is believing/faith a work ?

    No one defines "works." Works (plurality) was a religious system of requirements one must do to earn salvation. It could vary according to what self righteous man was dictating the works one must do. That was what was going on in Israel at the time Jesus appeared on earth... People were always...
  10. GenemZ

    Is believing/faith a work ?

    Demons do not have faith like we do. For they have seen what we are not yet able to see. We need to see it in the Spirit, not by sight. Our faith is believing what we can not see, yet seeing them as being real. God honors that kind of faith. It reveals we are saved because that kind of...
  11. GenemZ

    Is believing/faith a work ?

    Faith is a simple act of accepting what one hears from the Word of God as being true! "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ." Romans 10:17
  12. GenemZ

    A global flood is simply untenable

    Why should anyone back then think of gold as a medium for exchange? More likely. Salt was held in higher esteem, but I rather doubt it was not though of as such in those days. Man was living to be many hundreds of years old and everyone lived off the land.
  13. GenemZ

    A global flood is simply untenable

    That is much less people than live in the city of Manhattan.. or London. Not many square miles there! And, keep in mind. They all had to be close enough to hear Noah's preaching for themselves. 2 Peter 2:5. If they could not hear Noah's preaching? God would have been unfair for judging...
  14. GenemZ

    A global flood is simply untenable

    The purpose of Noah's flood was destroy mankind. Mankind was yet in its infancy and lived in a very small area. The purpose of the flood was to destroy the world of man, not the planet. Genesis 11 gives us a clue as to how the term "the entire earth" was viewed at that time. Genesis 11:1-3...
  15. GenemZ

    Old Earth Creationism

    If you want an even more accurate translation, it could read more like this.... Elohiym/Godhead blessed/prospered the seventh day, and 'sanctified it'/"set it apart as a commiseration of God's grace". Because in it, He had rested from all His work which Elohiym/Godhead created/bara something...