Recent content by foadle

  1. F

    Spirit of Infirmity

    Truth is Mark it all comes back to believing the word of God. We as believers should be laying hands on the sick and they should be being made well. That is what the word says. Question we should be asking is why aren't we seeing more of it especially in the western world? The other thing and...
  2. F

    What Should the non-WoF Forum be Called?

    didn't know you had been told this and personally have little issue with it but maybe consider the following. Rather than looking at what you are not how about considering what you are. Take a positive. I can say I am not a tree but it doesn't really tell anyone what I am. Just a thought
  3. F

    Please help me I'm at my wits end

    Remember that although circumstances seem so against you know that you are a child of God. You have repented of your former life and so now the devil more than ever sees you as a threat to his kingdom. Stand strong and we will help hold you up. You are strong in the Lord. He is a God of...
  4. F

    If you're here right NOW please wave! PLEASE?!

    Okay now that role call is over...let's go have some fun. (or at least I am sure that is how my students think about it)
  5. F

    If you're here right NOW please wave! PLEASE?!

    I love that smilie Renee. Hi all
  6. F

    Please pray

    Thank you to all who have prayed. The attacks on my health have eased so though there is still stuff I am going through I am in better condition to deal with it. That is to say..stop taking it all on board for me to sort and give it to God consistently something I was not doing so well in the...
  7. F

    Im not proud of who I am, Im more ashamed

    Be encouraged. I haven't met most of my family, my mother doesn't even know who her father was as laws mean that there is a lot of red tape for her to get her birth certificate. Still, we are unable to change our history and the things that our ancestors have done. Are we going to allow that...
  8. F

    Spoiled two year old

    Yeah I think everyone at some stage probably has been just doesn't make you feel better when He says it directly to you and you can't point the finger if you know what I mean
  9. F

    Please pray

    Thank you I appreciate your feedback
  10. F

    Fellowship with CindyisHis (4) Part one

    Praise God that you are healed now
  11. F

    Tomato Plant has leaves on it that are not a tomato!

    If cross pollination as you say has taken place then the chances are that your "strange tomato plant" will not fruit and in the event that it does the seeds will definately be useless for growing more fruit because although a plant would probably grow it would not flower. I actaully do not think...
  12. F

    Anti-wof post

    There are a few points I would like to make here. First of all are these same issues found in other parts of the forum? In my brief look around it doesn't appear to be (maybe someone better informed could give a more accurate outlook on this). To my way of understanding if we are one of the...
  13. F

    Please pray

    Thank you all for your prayers and support I very much appreciate it. Ydouxist, I am in no way discrediting the judgment of God. As far as giving is not God I am giving up on but the dealing with the situations at hand
  14. F

    Fellowship with CindyisHis (4) Part one

    hmmm...problem with being in a different country...everyone goes to bed when I am up
  15. F

    Spoiled two year old

    Heck, I thought that only came with motherhood