Recent content by faithink607

  1. faithink607

    1 Corinthians 7;13

    i agree, if there wasn't a child involved, i would definitely advise against it, having made the same mistake myself in my younger christian years. i am not a permissive kind of believer, and have become legalistic the more I've grown in Christ. but in situations such as this, it seems better to...
  2. faithink607

    1 Corinthians 7;13

    no, there wasn't anything else going on. I was pretty active in the church as it was a small upstart that was once a home fellowship, so I was privy to much information from both pastor and congregation, though I keep it to myself. as i saw it they both had been in sin before they even knew it...
  3. faithink607

    1 Corinthians 7;13

    a young couple who are both unbelievers with a child and unmarried start attending a church. one of them gets saved and the other is still somewhat undecided, but still attends church with the other. the pastor tells them that they are in sin because they are not married. so they decide to get...
  4. faithink607

    which anime have you watched more than once?

    you always know an anime is good when you can watch it over and over. for me its xamd 6 clannad 2 angel beats 2 ouran high school host club 3 full metal 7 inuyasha 7 the last air bender 10 DBZ 4 mushi shi 3 basilisk 4 spirited away 20+ my neighbor totoro 15+ howls moving castle 10+ akira 10+...
  5. faithink607

    Family problems, need advice.

    is she the youngest sister? my grandma did this with my aunt, her youngest daughter. when us grandchildren were older and self sufficient, she would start asking us to help my aunt out as well. my aunt relied on my grandma financially, when my grandma didn't have the finances, she would get it...
  6. faithink607

    Spirited Away

    I love The Last Air Bender, seen the whole series like 5 times. maybe its not japanime, but its still really good.
  7. faithink607

    Spirited Away

    right!!!?? I wish there were more movies like that, just so down to earth with such a magical feel.
  8. faithink607

    Anxiety & Worry

    the best end times teachings that i have heard are from a church here in reno nv. it is called harvest family fellowship. they have a web site with all the sermons to view. I was really confused about the end times at one point, but Steve Hadleys sermons really put it in perspective in a way...
  9. faithink607

    Spirited Away

    耳をすませば is whisper of the heart. one of my favorites too.
  10. faithink607

    An Old Apocalyptic Dream

    I had a dream while I was an atheist that i was on my bed which was placed in the middle of the room. It was almost like a boat because there was a sea of demons all around me. the only other thing in the room was a dresser with a bible on it. I was trying desperately to reach the bible because...
  11. faithink607

    Question about my best friend...

    I agree with spunkn, just continue to be his best friend. Fellowship with him about god, if hes not getting fellowship at church, at least he will have fellowship with you.
  12. faithink607

    Too Many Grim Reaper Series?

    depends on how original it is, death note had a really awesome concept for example. the two i see overdone are shinigami and vampires, actually im more burned out on vampires except Shiki was really good and was probably the last vampire series Ive watched. If its good and original, then its not...
  13. faithink607

    What Anime are You Currently Watching?

    soul eater lol, a little late right? I thought I wouldn't like it after the first episode, so I put it on the back burner until i ran out of new anime to watch. now im on season 3 lol
  14. faithink607

    Current Events

    do i think its a false sign of the Lords return? since its not clearly stated in the bible that the last pope will be the antichrist, nor its it a sign we are told to watch for. then no it is not a sign that the next pope is the antichrist. What i am saying however, is that the possible result...
  15. faithink607

    Current Events

    Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of...