Recent content by FaithfulPilgrim

  1. FaithfulPilgrim

    Questions About Theistic Evolution

    1. Am I understanding the process of evolution correctly? From what I have gathered, evolution is the gradual process of changes within a species over time. Evolutionists generally do not make a distinction between macro and micro-evolution. These small changes (what creationists call...
  2. FaithfulPilgrim

    Is a moderate party viable?

    I almost voted for Gary Johnson, but since I could not stand Hillary, I ended up voting for Trump as I did not want to waste my vote. It’s more of a vote against Hillary than a vote for Trump. If Clinton wasn’t the Democratic nominee, I’d probably would have voted for the Libertarians.
  3. FaithfulPilgrim

    The Full Spectrum of Christian Belief on Origins - where are you?

    I’m somewhere between a Progressive Creationist and a Theistic Evolutionist. I now doubt a Young Earth view, but I’m not sure if I’m fully on board with evolution, either, so I’m exploring both Old Earth Creationism and Theistic Evolution.
  4. FaithfulPilgrim

    Is a moderate party viable?

    We aren’t a democracy, we are a republic with democratic elements. Both parties are big tents, so they hold a range of views and factions within their parties.
  5. FaithfulPilgrim

    Is the Earth flat or round???

    I’m quite certain the earth is a dodecahedron.
  6. FaithfulPilgrim

    Is a moderate party viable?

    There are minor centrist parties, but all of them are really too small to be very effective, and the nature of our two party system (in general) moves the two main parties towards moderation. This last election was pretty crazy and I find both sides to be suffering from tribalism. A Democrat in...
  7. FaithfulPilgrim


    How are we to view the book of Genesis? I was raised a Young Earth Creationist and accepted all of it as literally true, but I started exploring evolution and Old Earth Creationism, and started doubting the credibility of a young earth. I guess I lean towards Old Earth Creationism now, but I...
  8. FaithfulPilgrim

    Role of Anglican Supreme Governor?

    I’m not Anglican, but I think low-church Evangelical Anglicans would still come across as somewhat “high-church” when compared to a Baptist, and Anglo-Catholics have a lot of similarities to Roman Catholics (though I’m hesitant to say they’re just Catholics minus the pope.)
  9. FaithfulPilgrim

    Return From Exile

    Thank you. Can you provided me some verses?
  10. FaithfulPilgrim

    Return From Exile

    How do we know that the OT prophetic verses of the Bible are about the modern state of Israel and not the return from exile after Babylonian captivity? How would you refute those who say those verses about the return from exile and not the restoration of modern Israel?
  11. FaithfulPilgrim

    Why is traditional Protestantism so affected by liberal theology?

    Pretty much. Someone said that established churches the to be more liberal, which I think is generally true. I would say churches with a higher regard for the Bible are less likely to become liberal, and I don’t think polity has much to do with it. Churches practicing a congregational structure...
  12. FaithfulPilgrim

    Are there any Baptist Groups that have Communion every Sunday and have Monastics ?

    Georgia (the country) has Episcopal Baptists, with their own archbishop and monastic order, but they are quite rare outside of Georgia. I think it is primarily cultural as Georgia is a heavily Orthodox country, so the Baptists added some Orthodox elements so peopl would be more familiar and...
  13. FaithfulPilgrim

    Are all Baptists Calvinists?

    It’s the opposite with my family. I was raised Arminian (now a Calvinist), but my Arminian mom and stepdad go to a church with a Calvinist pastor, and their disagreement on that area doesn’t stop them from fellowshiping and worshiping in the same church.
  14. FaithfulPilgrim

    Church’s Governance

    The Calvary Chapel has been criticized for its management structure and issues of accountability. How do you remain faithful members in spite of this? I don’t mean to sound confrontational, as I think I agree with most of what the CC believes, I just have issues with their governing structure...
  15. FaithfulPilgrim

    Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

    The CBF is probably the closest to what I personally believe, but I attend a Southern Baptist Church. Despite some disagreements with the SBC (mainly political, but there are some minor doctrinal and theological disagreements, as well) I like the church I’m going to and I think the SBC is...