Recent content by Elear

  1. E

    Engaging with the congregation during typical Sunday worship

    To what extent do you think the worship team should interact with the congregation during worship on a typical Sunday service? Some people seem to think that everyone on the worship team should intentionally interact with the congregation, at least to the point of occasionally making eye contact...
  2. E

    Can a person change sexual orientation?

    According to a study at Stability and Change in Sexual Orientation Identity Over a 10-Year Period in Adulthood - Archives of Sexual Behavior that "examined reports of sexual orientation identity stability and change over a 10-year period": "Somewhat more than 2% reported a different sexual...
  3. E

    Can Reality really truly exist?

    This sounds like solipsism. For any possible evidence that external reality exists, a what-if explanation is conceivable. However, as with many similar philosophical questions, it's not a question of which alternative is utterly unassailable and logically or evidentially airtight; it's not a...
  4. E

    Marital conflict and frustration

    You're right to the extent that my focus at the time was on preventing misbehavior on the part of my children and that maintaining a good relationship with my wife was not at the top of my priorities at the moment. However, I think that's justified given the situation. Likewise, she was more...
  5. E

    God and His Emotions, and the Scriptures

    Emotions are byproduct of experiencing reality a moment at a time and being in different circumstances. As humans, we have different moments that invoke different emotions. That is because we do not know all of reality at once, but live it only a little at a time and have a limited...
  6. E

    Why I think perhaps time-travel is impossible

    We all travel through time constantly. We just don't control the rate or direction (if those terms even apply, depending on what time is).
  7. E

    Marital conflict and frustration

    We tried that, but neither of that liked it very much. The men's speaker spent half his time talking about sports, which I have no interest in. "You know when you're watching a football game and the third baseman is at bat and he knows he can't drop the racket because then he'll fumble the...
  8. E

    Any other chess lovers?

    I used to be somewhat good at chess. When I was in school, I was in the chess club, and played first board at several tournaments, winning every game that I played, including the state championship for my grade level. When that happened, the chess club signed us up for lessons with a chess...
  9. E

    It's completely over for me

    This is exactly right. When Jesus spoke of a sin that would not be forgiven, it was because of people who had seen miracles performed by Jesus right in front of them and said that Jesus's miraculous power was from the devil. They continued to determinedly refuse to believe in him despite...
  10. E

    Mainstream Christianity is wrong about Matthew 5:27-28 (the famous “lust” passage)

    What do you mean by it being forbidden to discuss sinless perfection?
  11. E

    Mainstream Christianity is wrong about Matthew 5:27-28 (the famous “lust” passage)

    ] I was actually agreeing with you. The verse uses a word that has a large range of meanings. Obviously, it can't be wrong to strongly desire something or someone. At what point does it cross the line from being an acceptable level or kind of desire to a bad one? The verse doesn't specify.
  12. E

    It's too much

    God is always with you. What are you afraid of? Have you accepted Jesus as your savior and repented of your sin?
  13. E

    Now they control both Houses, so they're gonna try, try again.

    That's irrelevant. They knew that weapon technology changes and becomes more powerful over time, from clubs to swords and bows and arrows to crossbows to firearms and so on. The sort of rifles being discussed in this bill are just current civilian-level weapon technology, as flintlocks were...
  14. E

    Mainstream Christianity is wrong about Matthew 5:27-28 (the famous “lust” passage)

    Lust is not necessarily a sexual term. There is also such a thing as a "lust for power" or a "lust for money". Similar to the Greek word, it also meant (historically) strong (and morally acceptable) or excessive (morally unacceptable, which is its more common usage now) desire of different...