Recent content by Dr Graham

  1. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Hi Jerry, I agree with all you say. There remains a future rest for man (Heb 4:9), I believe this is the future millennium period. I believe in a literal 6 days of creation and talking about creation ' with the Lord a day is like a thousand years' (2 Peter 3:9) thus I believe the creation age is...
  2. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    I forget, where are you on a literal 6 days of creation?
  3. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Every time I trust God, He comes through. Not always the way I expect but He knows what is best for me. 'For me to live is Christ and to die is gain' , what ever happens I know He is in control.
  4. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    I agree, science is just man's attempt to understand God's creation. God is totally in control, and we can totally trust Him without lives, if we love Jesus.
  5. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Read the Bible together, then do work. 'Seek first the kingdom of God'
  6. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Amen and fully covered by the Armour of God. The fruit grows as we submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Jesus praised Mary for sitting at His feet rather than worrying about domestic things like Martha.
  7. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Hi Diamond7, I truly believe in the 6 days of creation. Each species was created with the appropriate DNA for that species only. I do not believe in evolution of any kind. Yes survival of the fittest and variations within a species but no evolution. If you mate a horse and a donkey you get...
  8. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Hi, yes I agree. Our works do not save us, we are saved by faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour ' for' good works. How we use the gifts we have been given by God will lead to dispensational reward in heaven. All we take with us is our character and we need to more conformed to the character of...
  9. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

  10. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Hi, did God banish satan to the earth before He created mankind? If so we are not here just to worship God but individually and corporately to use the gifts God has given us to defeat satan.
  11. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    I will happily answer your questions but ask that you answer mine first
  12. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    I would ask a few questions first before I answer. Are you born again? If so what part of you is born again? If you had died 2 seconds after you had been born again would you have gone to be with Jesus?
  13. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Hi, yes faith is evident by works, but those works do not lead to or even contribute to salvation. 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -not by works, so that no-one can boast' (Eph 1:8-9). It is possible to do works without...
  14. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Hi , the people on the earth in the Millennium will live long lives and still be able to procreate in their non-glorified bodies. Those in their glorified bodies will be 'like the angels' (Luke 20:36) . Even the NIV bible think Matthew 25:31 refers to life at the start of the Millennium or at...
  15. Dr Graham

    When did Satan fall?

    Hi CoreyD, yes I agree the Millennium 1,000 years is in the future and yes , the people in their non glorified bodies are on the earth. Even with satan bound many will still rebel against Christ at the end of the 1,000 years when satan is released for a while ( Rev 20:7). I believe the...