Recent content by Dr. Gluckenstein

  1. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Disrespectful Boyfriend Refusing Responsibility for Actions

    Wow, yeah, there's a lot to this. I know we're both broken...very broken. We've discussed it together, and made the commitment to stick by each other. We're both weak in certain areas, for sure, but we've decided we want to help each other, and of course, that means submitting to the criticism...
  2. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Disrespectful Boyfriend Refusing Responsibility for Actions

    I'm dealing with and trying to overcome my anger issues, despite my boyfriend's willingness to acknowledge how he's hurt me. He's, thus far, brushed it off as my anger issues and nothing he thinks he's done wrong. There's some stuff I've exploded about after months of biting my tongue that...
  3. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Dealing with severe trust and anger issues.

    Truthfully, this is a dangerous situation. The fools will bring their own ruin, and you don't want any part in that. Is there any way you can leave? Maybe try to work and save up some money quietly and try to get a flat, maybe with some friends if you can bare it. // It's awesome that you have...
  4. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Salvation question, struggling with sin, anger etc

    So, over the last few months I was experiencing a paranoid delusion that there was going to be an atomic bomb dropped on us. Of course, this hasn't happened, but it did get me thinking about what I should or would do if I were really living in the last few moments or days of my life. The time is...
  5. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Prv: Anger Management

    Yes, the feeling of anger happens to all, but following the Bible, we will deal with it appropriately, rather than letting it bring us to sin. Situations need not yelling, screaming and violence. When a wrong has been done to you, be patient, kind, gentle, and forgive the wrongdoer, and trust...
  6. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Ladies, I have a personal question

    Certainly not. Although this was in the old testament, God talks about not having anyone in the temple who is ill or has any sort of unclean bodily discharge, including menstruation. Also, generally speaking, every woman, except in the cases of certain medical conditions, has one, so when it is...
  7. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Alternatives to Coffee?

    Thank you all so much! I do love mint tea, and should probably be drinking it more than I do. I get so sad, my tea always gets used up so fast! Black tea is wonderful, and I think would be good if I could get my caffeine necessity under better control. I actually brewed myself a whole pitcher...
  8. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Alternatives to Coffee?

    Coffee makes me sick to my stomach in the morning anymore. I think it might be because of my medicine, but regardless, I am going to need to find something different. I've tried matcha green tea, which has been great, but unfortunately, rather expensive. Energy drinks are a bit much for me...
  9. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Help and advise

    She's being physically abusive...yes, but before you take that as an "I won!"... Divorce is not condoned in the Bible except for the grounds of cheating. She has anxieties and worries that feels are NOT being listened to by you. She should be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6-7). It is...
  10. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Endtimes delusion : How strong will it be?

    I will certainly persuade the believers who are weak the areas that the persuade in. If anyone doesn't know the truth, he will be brought like a lamb to slaughter, I suppose, but who goes and when depends on what false information they are giving and when it is given, as well as who is weak in...
  11. Dr. Gluckenstein

    why is porn so bad?

    Ah, okay. Well, the Bible also talks about how it is sometimes best not for a man to be married. I think I understand now, though, why you are asking the question. This is what you've chosen to do, and you're having trouble seeing the issue with it, despite it being considered a sin. Now, Paul...
  12. Dr. Gluckenstein

    why is porn so bad?

    You're removing the whole element for what God intended sex to be for! No wife, no procreation, no loving intimacy reserved for one woman. Alone, binding your oxytocin to an image a woman you're unlikely to see again. Bf (from a man's perspective) said it makes you feel less enthused to...
  13. Dr. Gluckenstein

    How do I know what my gift is and how to use it?

    Yeah, I've been wondering. I often feel an inescapable, consuming darkness and should probably figure out how to deal with that first. Attending therapy soon. It's been over me since I turned 18 and has just been getting worse since. First attributed it to being out in the world, away from my...
  14. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Is it deceitful or back-back stabbing?

    I definitely think it's possible that he may be taking advantage of the fact that this is your first relationship. This man seems like a deceiver and a narcissist, but ignoring that for now, if he can't even afford you the decency and courtesy of responding to your messages, then he is indeed...
  15. Dr. Gluckenstein

    Series of Unfortunate Events

    Thank you so much for your replies. It means the world to me. Jeremiah; I really appreciate you sharing your story and experience. My boyfriend identifies his religion/spirituality as being one of individual origin, as he believes in God, and was saved as a Catholic many years ago, but didn't...