Recent content by CrystalTurquoise

  1. C

    Please pray for me

    Please pray for me. I am fasting two meals today because I have to face so many challenges tomorrow and my heart is heavy. Thank you in advance
  2. C

    Pray for me.

    Praying for relief. In the name of Jesus.
  3. C

    Feeling tired

    I have a lot to say, but I do not know how to say it. Basically, I endured a lot of trauma in my life. Now I am 55 years old and sometimes life feels like too much. I need work and financial stability. I have a wonderful husband who makes me feel loved. But I am finding it difficult to find...
  4. C

    Need prayers, just started a new job

    Please pray for me. I just started a new job and all my coworkers are so much younger than me. I am afraid I will not be able to do a good job. My family needs my paycheck. Please pray. Thank you
  5. C

    I know your prayers will take away the pain and help me sleep

    Praying for complete healing in the name of Jesus. When I am in pain, I apply green clay , it will decrease the inflammation relieve the pain. Ask your doctor if it would be a good idea. Look for Dr Barbara O'Neill on YouTube. She has excellent advice. Praying
  6. C

    pray for an abused cat..

    Praying for all those sweet animals. But please, have faith in the strong survival skills the Lord gave to them. Especially to cats. Hugs.
  7. C

    We have to submit to injustice?

    We talked with the responsible ones AND the pastor. And nothing changed. What I meant is we did not talk to other members not involved, and we didn't encourage anyone to leave either.
  8. C

    We have to submit to injustice?

    Being ignored, patronized, minimized, silenced and disrespected. I know it sounds petty. The problem is it went on for almost one year on a regular basis. It's like collecting small stones every day. In the end, the weight becomes unbearable.
  9. C

    We have to submit to injustice?

    My husband and I have been told we should forget the injustice made to us and come back to the church where we have been mistreated without expecting any apology, but we should do so in order to not destroy a body of Christ and to please God. (Some info you may need: We have been mistreated for...
  10. C

    Please pray for me.

    Praying for you. Please, let us know the results.
  11. C

    Prayer Request for our family

    Praying for you and your family. I hope you find a solution soon.
  12. C

    I need a breakthrough

    Lord, I am at one of my lowest points in life today. I know I cannot ask You for anything, because I am judgemental, bitter, ungrateful, and with a lot of luggage. But I am so tired, Lord. I am overwhelmend, overtired, overworked and overstressed and it has been going on for years. I am tired...
  13. C

    I need to know what to do

    Thank you Sawsar and SeekingIAM. Your words helped me to put my mind at ease. I know I am not responsible for other people's choices, but I cannot help but thinking that the Lord put these young people in my care. Should not I do something? What they are enduring is child abuse. Should I just...
  14. C

    I need to know what to do

    Hello everyone. I need advice. I am a teacher. I work for a private school. I was lucky to find this job as I am a 54 yrs old recent immigrant. I teach Foreign Languages. I love the school and the admins, I worked hard this school year and I have a good relationship with everyone, parents...
  15. C

    Prayer for stepson

    My stepson is giving me a lot of grief. I try to love him but no matter what I do I am always wrong. It has been hurtful at Christmas because I visited my in laws and he was very protective of them, which is good, but he was following me everywhere, like a surveillance. It looked like he was...