Recent content by BukiRob

  1. BukiRob

    No “Psalm 83 War”; Bill Salus Offers Confusion

    I think because we are seeing the fulfillment of God judging the surrounding neighbors of Israel and the open proclamation of Israel dealing with these nations that are at war with Israel using proxies, we will see Damascus turned into ruins... guess we will find out soon enough.
  2. BukiRob

    Post-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    They do not come to faith until his return for it is written that not until they proclaim For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘BLESSED IS THE ONE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!’” Matthew 23:39 We are told at his return, that they (the Jews) will Mourn over him...
  3. BukiRob

    The Alternative to a Rapture

    appeal to "authority" argument...
  4. BukiRob

    The Alternative to a Rapture

    With due respect, I don't agree with your timeline. The last Trumpet is when Yeshua returns and ends the Tribulation.
  5. BukiRob

    The Alternative to a Rapture

    I will stick with what the text says. It doesn't say Yeshua's voice it says the TRUMPET OF GOD. :)
  6. BukiRob

    Post-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    Revelation 13: 7It was also given to him to make war with the [d]saints and to overcome them, and authority was given to him over every tribe, people, language, and nation. 8 All who live on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been [e]written since the foundation of the world...
  7. BukiRob

    The Alternative to a Rapture

    1st Thessalonians should be read in the same light as 1st Corinthians as the language used is very similar. The problem with trying to paint this as a secret rapture is the part that says SHOUT of the ARC ANGEL and the SOUND OF GOD'S TRUMPET. 1st Corinthians 15 is speaking about the same...
  8. BukiRob

    The Alternative to a Rapture

    Where does it say that? Not in Matthew 24, not in 1st Corinthians or 2 Thessalonians. As far as I know, those are the main pillars of those doctrines. Every one of those chapters speaks in terms of "THE LAST TRUMPET" which is 100% an indication that it is Messiah's return that ENDS the...
  9. BukiRob

    No “Psalm 83 War”; Bill Salus Offers Confusion

    “See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. Seems pretty clear, that its no longer a city. Since Damascus exist today this has CLEARLY not happened. It will happen when ISRAEL destroys it turning into a heap of rubble in the process of taking out hezzbolla
  10. BukiRob

    No “Psalm 83 War”; Bill Salus Offers Confusion

    Well, I will say this, history has shown WITHOUT MISTAKE, that "scholars" have AT BEST a POOR track record on calling what is and is not prophecy, and events that are fulfillment of scripture. Israel is going to take out Hamas and they are already on record stating that Hezbollah has broken...
  11. BukiRob

    The Rapture will happen in the middle of the Tribulation

    The MAIN issue as I see it, is that pre and mid-trib positions cite verses that in my opinion speak about the RETURN of Yeshua and have nothing to do with a "rapture" (Harpazo) Matthew 24 is ENTIRELY about Yeshua's RETURN as that was the question the disciples asked him so nothing in that...
  12. BukiRob

    Nephilim / UFO's

    Truth always leads us closer.
  13. BukiRob

    UFO update – whistle blower acknowledges UFOs held by Government

    There is NO RAPTURE as believed by the majority of the protestant church. Paul makes that clear in 1thesselonians, 1st Corinthians. Yeshua in Matt 24 lays out when his return occurs. The doctrine of a pre/mid-tribulation Rapture is pure rubbish!
  14. BukiRob

    Why EO cannot attend heterodox church services?

    The first sign of a CULT is when you profess things like we don't believe in the same God. Do you know what keeps me from E.O.? The absolutely NON SENSE about an ever-virgin Mary along with praying to Mary! OUR INTERCESSOR IN HEAVEN is YESHUA! Romans 8:34 who is the one who condemns? Christ...