Recent content by BT

  1. BT

    Please HELP: Passover Seder

    So you would say that the specifics of the Seder are the "rites of it and the ceremonies thereof"? The Maror, Charoset, Karpas, Z'roa etc (would be the rites and ceremonies...)? So the rites and ceremonies, the relating of the different foods to the symbolism of the Exodus... that all came...
  2. BT

    Please HELP: Passover Seder

    Hello MJ friends, I'm desperately trying to find some information for a research paper, and I'm hoping that you folks will be able to help me. What I need is the following information: The earliest known origin of the Passover Seder The time from whence it was practiced The resource where...
  3. BT

    A Final Update

    Hello CF'ers, Though I have left these forums I know how many of you were praying for us and wondering what would happen with our candidating etc. And so I felt that it was only decent that I come back here for one final post to give you an update. As you may or may not have known...
  4. BT

    What book are you reading?

    Lectures in Systematic Theology - Henry C. Thiessen
  5. BT

    Good-Bye Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

    To my good and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ here in the Baptist/AnaBaptist Forums, You have been a serious blessing to me and my Christian walk. You have allowed me the opportunity to bless you in return as we have walked with each other in fellowship, prayer, and study. I have many...
  6. BT

    The Message

    I personally wouldn't use it from the pulpit. But that is really due to my preaching style and method. I personally only use the KJV and the TR-for the Greek. If I saw someone using it (not as a primary) I probably wouldn't throw a hymnal at him. Then again I may be odd. I recently found out I...
  7. BT

    The Message

    I have no major beefs with the message so long as it is kept "real". What I mean is that so long as you realize that it's NOT A BIBLE - it's a paraphrase. Like one person said... like a novel. But it's not a Bible and certainly not a translation or a "version". If you use a real Bible with it...
  8. BT

    Prayer Request: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Well it has happened as I mentioned in the sticky prayer request. The church in Edmonton has called me to come and preach as a senior-pastor candidate. I'll be going there the weekend of July 9th with my wife and the baby. Please remember me and this church between now and then. Pray that the...
  9. BT

    I am a Reconstructionist Christian. Are you ?

    Temporarily closed for staff review.
  10. BT

    I'll Be Away for Awhile

    Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Just a quick note to let you know that I will be away for awhile. My uncle has become full of cancer, he has it everywhere and is going quickly. I went home this week, on Monday, and performed his wedding - in the hospital room. It was a sad ceremony...
  11. BT

    Jack Chick

    Temporarily closed for Staff review. BT
  12. BT

    Dancing (at) Weddings ..

    Some might say that anything you feel the need to hide from people, even certain people, is probably not a good thing.
  13. BT

    Good People Going to Hell

    Hell is a difficult thing to understand unless you realize that Hell was not created as a place of punishment for people. Hell was not created for people: Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil...
  14. BT

    MY Avatar, Bigger so you can see it

    I don't have the write up that went with the picture anymore, but I recall that the baby was fine after the surgery and born healthy and happy.