Recent content by BryanJohnMaloney

  1. BryanJohnMaloney

    Prove a Scientific theory ?

    Does that mean that you also claim that the theory of gravity must be false and the germ theory of disease must be false?
  2. BryanJohnMaloney

    Moses or Mose

    They are just language-derived variations of one name, much like Jesus/Joshua are just language-derived variations of the same name.
  3. BryanJohnMaloney

    What’s Behind Today’s Attacks on Marriage?

    I also want to see what these alleged "explosive attacks" are.
  4. BryanJohnMaloney

    What if a mentally challenged person gets the mark of the beast

    There is an enormous amount of ridiculous claptrap regarding the mark of the beast. Contrary to what lying satanists might claim, it is NOT some kind of automatic ticket to damnation. It is NOT the sign that you are the servant of the beast. Scripture is very plain on this. Nowhere does it...
  5. BryanJohnMaloney

    I have autism and asperger's syndrome just like the rest of you lot

    I wasn't diagnosed until my 30s. I love being married.
  6. BryanJohnMaloney


    An obsolete term that is no longer accepted in standard diagnostic manuals.
  7. BryanJohnMaloney

    autism & mark of beast

    A lot of people have been misleading you and feeding you lies. First, Scripture is quite clear, nobody will be tricked into receiving the mark. The second beast will "force" everyone to get it on the hand or the forehead. Nobody has ever been vaccinated on the hand or the forehead. The mark is...
  8. BryanJohnMaloney

    Do I need to be baptized again?

    Is baptism merely a symbol with no spiritual transformation attached? Then baptize every day if that's what suits you. Jewish sects practice rebaptism. However, the New Testament doesn't seem to recommend rebaptism.
  9. BryanJohnMaloney

    So I kicked the sinful masturbation habit, but now my head is going into power overload?

    Y'know, "the marriage bed is undefiled". Sex, in and of itself, isn't bad. Is there a reason you eschew marriage?
  10. BryanJohnMaloney

    addiction and salvation

    There is a sad and sorry superstition that afflicts many who see themselves as followers of Christ. That superstition is that addiction is a voluntary behavior, a "sin" in the judicial sense. It isn't. I'm a neuroscientist. Addiction is biological. The brain has been physically altered by the...
  11. BryanJohnMaloney

    Covid Vaccine?

    I'm autistic. My thing about needles transcends phobia and goes in to syncope response. So, yeah, I get that you're freaked. I understand it. What helps me is that I realize there are a lot of unpleasant things in the world--like dealing with other human beings--terrifying creatures who are...
  12. BryanJohnMaloney

    The World Needs Women Priests

    Given that this was posted in "General Theology", this is a non issue. Many groups have women as clergy, including as priests. Just go join the Anglicans.
  13. BryanJohnMaloney

    We Should Switch To Vegan And Homemade Pet Foods!

    So, obviously, therefore, keeping a pet of ANY SORT AT ALL (unless perhaps, a pet rock) is just another way to sin? Get rid of the pets and stop having any.
  14. BryanJohnMaloney

    As US coronavirus cases surpass 4 million, medical experts urge to shut down and start over

    I know people who believe the earth is flat, too. I also know people who believe that our government is run by lizards. You belong with such people.