Recent content by bible_follower

  1. B

    Q for those who support the death penalty for adultery

    Let’s say that there existed a Godly, well run , just Christian nation-state called Christiania and that you lived there with your family. Also, adultery is punishable by death in Christiania. Would you ever report a family member if you knew for a fact that they were committing adultery?
  2. B

    Q for those who believe adulters must be executed: What about cases of rape?

    Say a government had a policy of the death penalty for adultery, which is the case in some countries. How would you prevent rape victims from being wrongfully put to death? (Note: I do not believe in having the death penalty for adultery but I am curious to people's thought paths on this)
  3. B

    Q for those who think women shouldn’t have jobs/careeers: Do u boycott female professionals?

    My wife is a SAHM and I know how much work that can be. However, the forum limits the number of characters for the thread title so I could not add the phrase ‘outside the home’.
  4. B

    Q for those who think women shouldn’t have jobs/careeers: Do u boycott female professionals?

    (ie not going to see a dentist/doc/lawyer who is a woman) I was curious if there was anyone who did that.
  5. B

    Q for those who believe anxiety & worry are sinful; Do you believe anxiety disorders are real?

    My wife mentioned to me the other day how on pinterest there are a bunch of blogs written by Christian women , who give bad advice about being anxious. Some even imply that it's a sign of not trusting God and worshipping idols. I believe that prayer is an important tool in overcoming anxiety...
  6. B

    Do you believe that a wife must do something immoral or dangerous if ordered by Husband?

    I was curious about how far people are willing to take biblical marital submission. I personally say no to the question.
  7. B

    Q for KJV-only folks- Do you believe that those who don't know English can be saved?

    I did not know that. So a translation was translated?
  8. B

    Q for KJV-only folks- Do you believe that those who don't know English can be saved?

    I was curious about this as a lot of KJV-only folks seem to think that all other translations are theological garbage and heresy. Where does that leave those who can't read English?
  9. B

    People who believe that the bible mandates spanking: Do you believe that neurodivergent and special

    People who believe that the bible mandates spanking: Do you believe that neurodivergent and special needs kids are exempt from spanking?
  10. B

    Do you think Churches should publicize the offenses of members in the name of Church Disipline?

    Actually, there are churches that will still try to disipline members who try to leave after getting in trouble.
  11. B

    Do you think Churches should publicize the offenses of members in the name of Church Disipline?

    Recently, I heard about the case of a man's infidelity being made public, as he did not repent and improve for a while. I found that to be very wrong and inappropriate. What are your thoughts?