Recent content by Bellicus

  1. B


    Hey, Happy birthday! :) I can't say much useful right now, but at least I know that wanting to have something to drink is actually a lot better to be drinking.
  2. B

    Gonna Get a Butt Kicking

    Pennsylvania sounds a bit like Norway. Here the government control the wine and spirit sales in special stores, and only beer is available in grocery stores from 9 in the morning to 8 in the evening. In the countryside they even have special stores for the beer. And the prices for alchohol is...
  3. B

    Back in Business Again

    Well, 2 weeks was something, at least a start. Bought some beer tonight even if I really didn't have the money for it. I can't afford any more in about 1 1/2 weeks, and I hope I can remain sober even when I can afford to drink again. I don't fear any major withdrawal symptoms from the benzos...
  4. B

    Back in Business Again

    I really feel like something to drink. Also got a problem with my benzos, only 2 pills left (and I feel like i want to take them both now) and I wont be getting any more of them in about a month :( Not looking very brightly on things right now. Have a feeling that soon I will be taking old...
  5. B

    Similarities between BPD and ADHD

    I just read an article about similarities and differences between bipolar disorder and ADHD. I remember the teachers thought I had ADHD when I used to be at school, but I never got checked for it and later in life I was diagnosed bipolar. And after reading the article it made me think that I...
  6. B

    Tales from the crypt

    Hmmm... :confused: It means paper that are far away? :o
  7. B

    Is love and free will a guarantee to prevent adultery?

    Well, I never said that. I don't disagree with being unwise either.
  8. B

    Is love and free will a guarantee to prevent adultery?

    Thanks for answers. But seems like I need some more opinions on this, since it is already disagreement with only 2 answers. Would be happy to see some scripture included that support your opinions. :)
  9. B

    **Be GAY or be alone!?**

    In this forum no one is allowed to say "Yes, go on live in a homosexual relationship", I think 'Christian philosophy and ethics' are more open for debate. My suggestion is that you follow what you think God want you to do. Jesus told us that if we seek Him first, then all the other things...
  10. B

    Is love and free will a guarantee to prevent adultery?

    I talked with someone that said they would be able to always prevent adultery if they loved their husband/wife. That it was a matter of free will when it comes to adultery, and therefore any temptations could be resisted as long as the person choose to resist it by using their free will. I...
  11. B

    Has anyone had success with antidepressants?

    No big success with anti-depressants. First try made me manically, and other meds Ive tried have had no big effect, mostly just side-effects.
  12. B

    Feel Guilty and Squirrelly

    Ok, so you are thinking that you should not use nitrous oxide then? Could you do without it? Nowhere really.
  13. B

    Feel Guilty and Squirrelly

    Why are you so worried about this nitrous oxide? You say that you have a phobia against dentists, so thats why you are using it. But is your problem that you feel that you are just using it to get high? Cause that would make no sense since you already told about your phobia. Sorry if I don't...
  14. B

    Why is this?

    I know what you mean, I think. Feeling bad and to worry sort of feel like a more fair thing to do.
  15. B

    angry at husband

    How about "I'm going out a few hours, Ill be back soon, take care of the child" and then just leaving? How would he handle that?