Recent content by awstar

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    Jesus appeared to Cephas, then to the TWELVE

    I'm a little tardy in responding to this, but I was listening to Acts 1 being read this morning and realized the sequence of events were such: Christ was betrayed, died, buried, rose again, ascended, sent the Holy Ghost - the Father's gift - and then Peter, quoting the words of David realized...
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    Be filled with the Spirit

    according to Andrew Murrey in "The Spirit of Christ" - Chapter 31 my suggestion: Mind not the the things of the flesh; but mind the things of the Spirit easier said than done.
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    What is the day of the Lord?

    The above is a brief summary that I just found that might clarify a lot of confusion surrounding the “last days” Logically one can easily discern the distinction between the “day of Christ” and the “day of the Lord”. The references in the Old Testament and even in the Gospel accounts refer...
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    This GENERATION will not pass away until all these things take place

    I agree whole heartedly with this. I believe we'll actually be rewarded for being ready for his second coming, even if we should fall asleep first. It is my hope (what I both desire and expect) that the rapture will be my departure from this earth, even though the odds are stacked against...
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    Are we living in the last days?

    i was being facetious. Strongs definition is not very useful. according to them the last day could be the day before the future -- and the future could be after the last day. Which makes even less sense. Strong's 319: The last, end, the future, posterity
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    Are we living in the last days?

    Yes we are. We're living on the last day relative to the future according to Strong's 319: The last, end, the future, posterity
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    Did Jesus create good wine that the wedding guests got drunk on?

    OK, here's a rough line of statements and a conclusion. This takes a lot of mental effort. I'd rather just blurt out what I think. -- wine makes a man feel glad -- Jesus made wine that was good -- Jesus wine was better than the other wine -- Jesus wine could make men glad better than...
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    Did Jesus create good wine that the wedding guests got drunk on?

    I have an electrical engineering degree but only one programming course (FORTRAN). All subsequent learning on programming was seat of the pants. I had one logic course in college that could be useful in designing circuit boards and the like, but I never used its principles formally, only...
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    Did Jesus create good wine that the wedding guests got drunk on?

    no I'm not familiar with the term, but I may be with the principle or concept since I've programmed computers for all my adult life. What is First-Order Logic?
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    Did Jesus create good wine that the wedding guests got drunk on?

    who ever said: "The wine referred to here was doubtless such as was commonly drunk in Palestine"
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    Did Jesus create good wine that the wedding guests got drunk on?

    Barnes, Pliny, Plutarch, Horace et al says: I’m pretty sure you don’t have to be a student of how people lived in first century Palestine to understand what “good” wine means relative to worse “wine”. I suspect that Herod the tetrarch probably had some pretty “good” wine and some pretty...
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    What do make of John 5:18

    not sure of what you are alluding to. Seems like John (the author and eye witness) is simply providing the reason (by the Holy Spirit) as to why the Jews (whom God has blinded since the time of Isaiah) are seeking all the more to persecute Jesus because of an event orchestrated by Jesus'...
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    7 traits of a godly person according to the Bible. Qualities that attract God's blessings!

    A quality that attracts God's blessings: i.e.
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    Where is the center of the universe?

    at the referenced site West Texas A&M University it says: according to Steven Hawkings — The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, 2010, pp. 41-42 so the correct answer to the question "where is the center of the universe?" seems to be "where do you want it to be?" as to...
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    Can we lose our salvation?

    I have been saved from the penalty of sin (justification) I am being saved from the power of sin (santification) I will be saved from the presence of sin (glorification) Amen, brother. It takes years and years of Christian living to figure out that this is a true and worthy saying!