Recent content by aric714

  1. A

    Should I try to be friends with him again?

    I would definetly leave that alone. Oh just stay friends......yeah right! Let's be honest you still have feelings for the guy and those issues that you disagreed on are not minor. I would just leave it alone.
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    I Keep Trying and Failing...

    All I can say is take one day at a time. Honestly most guys have been masturbating for YEARS before they realize or decide that it's wrong. When you have a habit over such a long period of time, it's not easy to simply "stop". What you need to do is devise a plan. Saying you will stop now and...
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    I hate myself for what i done.Help!!!

    I'm not trying to put it lightly or anything but guilt and shame will consume you if in complicated situations you can't just admit what you did and why you did it. Once you figure that out, you have the framework to how you need to ask for forgiveness and redirect and refoucs your life. What...
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    who is being inconsiderate?

    I think that even know it might be EXTREMELY hard for your friend to be around him she has a bit of maturing to do. He hasn't disappeared forever and there is no telling when she will run into him again or even might even need him on an occasion. Though the break up was harsh and she's trying...
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    Asexuality...and gender roles?

    Well sense sex will be painful to you then maybe there might be someone who can't perform sexually either. Maybe have disability or has no interest? That could be the person for you. I just don't think that the label of "asexual" is correct for your situation.
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    Question for those who have achieved celibacy:

    Masterbuation is one of the things, addictions if you will, that if your not 100% committed to quitting then you won't ever be victrious. It's all on you man. No one can make you stop masturbating but yourself. To give up everything for masturbation doesn't seem like the best thing to me...
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    Asexuality...and gender roles?

    Asexuality is a very confessing topic to me. I think the fact that you haven't found someone you really like just shows that you have high standards and aren't interested in "settling" for less. Your content being by yourself and want to surround yourself with friends and family. We have a...
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    A Psych Question about anxiety...

    Anxiety can equal arousal. (Just coincident that I'm talking abnormal psy. this semster) but what kind of arousal are we talking? Physical, mental, unconcious, concious?
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    I'm Homeless But I'm Happy

    Too be honest I think there is more to this story than your telling. Why do you even care what we think about it if your happy? Are you looking for agruement or some way to justify what your doing? I don't understand the intent of the post and what exactly your getting out of it.
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    Illegal downloads

    I personally do not download illegally but will admit I had done so in past. With Youtube, you can preview any album you want and that determines if I buy the album or not. If I just want a single I usually us amazon, walmart, itunes, something like that. I do see it as stealing and it takes...
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    Why is college Englih so hard?

    I guess my high school teachers knew what they were talking about because English in college was a breeze for the most part. I did have a World Lit II class where the teacher disected your every word but it did make me conscious of what exactly I was trying to say. BUT when it comes to other...
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    Does anybody hate college but feel like you have to go anyway?

    The thing that I hate is the repeat of information from high school and then PAYING for classes that have nothing to do with your major just to make you a "more rounded" student. I'm Junior and now that I have my basics out of the way I really like my classes because they deal directly with my...
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    Addiction to masturbation.

    Your right it's all about will power. There is always going to be that temptation to do what you feel you shouldn't. My thing was I realized that I was better then the actions I was carrying out. I started to really focus on god (this is very recent), listen to christian music, and have tried...
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    Competition: Who travels the farthest to go to school?

    I drive 38 miles (76 miles one day trip) twice a week to school. I like the drive. It's a 40-hour drive that I really live because I have time to think.
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    Finish the sentence! "Dining Hall Food..."

    Is not meant to be eaten. You couldn't pay me to eat that stuff.