Recent content by Allen of the Cross

  1. Allen of the Cross

    Please pray for my dad

    Hello. Please pray for my dad, his name is Lance. Hes very sick, please pray the Lord will heal him. Thank you.
  2. Allen of the Cross

    Please pray for my mental health

    Please pray for me, I have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, (which is called schizoaffective disorder,) and my mental health prevents me from praying and worshiping how I want. Please pray the Lord will help me deal with my illnesses and cope, and strengthen me to worship Him. Thank you, have...
  3. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for me pleass

    Pleass pray for me to be a better Christian.
  4. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for me please

    Please pray for me. Pray that I can live a life that will make Jesus as happy as possible. Thank you kindly
  5. Allen of the Cross

    What should you do with your millions?

    The 'poverty' gospel refers to the opposite of the 'prosperity' gospel. The prosperity gospel is that God wants us to be rich. The poverty gospel is that God requires us to be poor. Please dont lecture me on the virtues of being poor. I'm sick and disabled. I have no interest in engaging in...
  6. Allen of the Cross

    What should you do with your millions?

    You seem quite tense.
  7. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for my dad

    Please pray that my dad will be healed. Hes in a nursing home and I miss him so much. Thank you
  8. Allen of the Cross

    What should you do with your millions?

    I just spent some time in thought and I can offer you an even more concise answer. Now bear with me, this is hard to explain. Look at Matthew 6:19-21 again: dont store your treasures on earth (19), but store them in heave (20), why? Because where your treasure is, there will your heart be...
  9. Allen of the Cross

    What should you do with your millions?

    Salvation is a free gift from God, accepted by grace through faith in the finished work of the cross. This is not a poverty gospel - no one is required to be desolate in order to enter. Look in context what was happening when Jesus said what you quoted about the 'eye of a needle.' He had just...
  10. Allen of the Cross

    What should you do with your millions?

    Let's see what the bible has to say. 1Ti 6:17 KJV Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; 1Ti 6:18 KJV That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to...
  11. Allen of the Cross

    What is "Ritual"? Why does it seem some Churches give more emphasis to it while others don't?

    Nothing says "yep, I'm holy, I'm right with God" like a $500 suit. Jesus said "ye shall know them by the suits they wear," right?
  12. Allen of the Cross

    If love does no wrong, how does love go to war with Russia?

    I guess we should let violent invading armies take over the world then, or let the filthy unbelievers fight our wars for us /s
  13. Allen of the Cross

    The great falling away, to apostasy sin, or into Messiah?

    There are other scriptures to keep in mind, to take into account to get the fuller picture: 2Ti 4:3 KJV For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2Ti 3:1 KJV This know also, that in...
  14. Allen of the Cross

    Please pray for my paralyzed dad

    My dad has a disease called CIDP. Its rare - I had never heard of it. Basically his immune system is attacking his nervous system in all 4 limbs. It's possible for him to recover from this, and possible also that he may walk again. So I have hope in prayer. I called him earlier however and he...
  15. Allen of the Cross

    Does dating/marrying a non-Christian disqualifying for serving on the music team?

    I would consider against marrying a non-believer. If you want to raise your children as Christian, you will more than likely run into issues with your spouse disagreeing. Yeah, you might convert your spouse, but they could also drag you away from Christ. I think it would be wiser to only marry...