Recent content by All4Christ

  1. All4Christ

    St. Euphrosynos Taverna and Ouzeri (another one!)

    Oh that’s frustrating about the oven! I hope it can be repaired easily. Baking with a charcoal grill….sounds like there is a lot of potential there! I started my sourdough starter in December. It’s delicious, but it does take time to maintain it. If he restarts it, I recommend taking...
  2. All4Christ

    St. Euphrosynos Taverna and Ouzeri (another one!)

    Any baking going on in all of your homes? We’ve had a lot of issues going on at home. Baking tends to make it better, at least for awhile. :)
  3. All4Christ

    St. Euphrosynos Taverna and Ouzeri (another one!)

    Just stopping by to say hi! Miss you all and hope all is well!
  4. All4Christ

    François Carrière - Montréal

  5. All4Christ

    grateful to join CF!

  6. All4Christ

    If you have experienced self deliverance, what have you learned?

    *Senior Ambassador Hat* This is an advice forum . Address all posts to the Original Poster. Do not discuss or debate theology with each other. From the Statement of Purpose: “We would ask that members direct their responses to the member who started the thread and refrain from debating one...
  7. All4Christ

    If you have experienced self deliverance, what have you learned?

    I think you can, but I’d ask our Ambassador lead about that to confirm.
  8. All4Christ

    If you have experienced self deliverance, what have you learned?

    Senior Ambassador Hat Please be cautious in these types of posts. Consider contacting the CF Chaplains about this topic if you are concerned about demonic activity. Don’t share posts or links explaining how to deliver people from demonic possession. From the Forums Terms and Christian Forums...
  9. All4Christ

    Does God determine how long you live?

    **Senior Ambassador Hat** Please address all posts to the original posters and do not debate theology. This is an advice only forum.
  10. All4Christ

    Should women cover their hair?

    * Senior Ambassador Hat * Many posts in this thread violate the Christian Advice forum Statement of Purpose. Address your posts to the Original Poster. Do not argue or debate theology beliefs and viewpoints. See the section of the Statement of purpose below: We would ask that members...
  11. All4Christ

    Christ is risen!!!

    Indeed He is risen!
  12. All4Christ

    How should I respond about a non-Christian person death ?

    ***Senior Ambassador Hat*** Please direct responses to the original poster and do not debate with each other. Per the Christian Advice Statement of Purpose: “We would ask that members direct their responses to the member who started the thread and refrain from debating one another's...
  13. All4Christ

    Orthodox Fasting Recipes

    This is the website I put together with Orthodox fasting recipes
  14. All4Christ

    Marriage strained by constant health issues and miscarriages

    I don’t have answers, except to say that I feel for you, especially with trying to have children. It has been almost ten years for me and my husband trying unsuccessfully, and it is heartbreaking. I would say that God, our love and companionship together help us make it through. It’s tough...