Recent content by actionsub

  1. actionsub

    Fifteen US Agencies knew about Wuhan Covid gain of function program BEFORE COVID 19 and kept silent

    You might have gotten more discussion if the article you're citing wasn't behind a paywall. I'm not subscribing to a right-wing news site for one story. Nor would I subscribe to a left-wing site for the same reason.
  2. actionsub


    True. In the ND world, it does depend on the individual congregation. Some accept infant baptism; other churches who were informed by Baptist or Pentecostal theology would probably insist on you being immersed.
  3. actionsub

    Community of Christ

    Emma's refusal to join with Brigham Young's westward party had much to do with the development of the RLDS (now Community of Christ). CoC views her as a founding "mother" of sort.
  4. actionsub

    Classes in some states may soon watch a fetal development video from a Pro-Life group

    Another part of that story was that along with the tax cuts, Trump's administration did away with charitable donations being tax-deductible. Donations to churches and Christian charities dropped like a rock.
  5. actionsub

    Disciples of Christ - The first non denominational church?

    That is interesting. Granted, I'm speaking in broad generalities here, so something like that is not unusual. The ELCA churches here are largely German due to being close to St. Louis, too.
  6. actionsub

    Is the international Church of Christ ministry a false doctrine ministry ?

    Boston ended up being its largest congregation. The actual movement started in a Church of Christ in Gainesville, Florida in the late 70s. One young man from the Gainesville church, Kip McKean, took the position of lead elder at the Church of Christ in Lexington, MA on the condition that every...
  7. actionsub

    Compiling a list of potentially heterodox churches and denominational outliers

    Now if you want something that's a real outlier, try this one for size. A church whose worship services are described as "five-hour jam sessions interspersed with liturgy, sermons, and fellowship." Originally the "One Mind Temple Evolutionary Transitional Church of Christ, St. John Coltrane...
  8. actionsub

    UMC Split - the Traditional Denomination and the rest

    Many of the churches that went non-denom were larger congregations and megachurches. A number of those former megachurches, including the one in my hometown near St. Louis, founded a network "we're NOT a denomination!" called The Foundry Network. Their website says in so many words, "no small...
  9. actionsub

    Disciples of Christ - The first non denominational church?

    The small Seminex faction, IIRC, was absorbed into the AELC, one of the three historical bodies that came together to form the ELCA. It was roughly the equivalent of one congregation parting with their denomination and joining another one. The differences between LCMS and ELCA are largely...
  10. actionsub

    The only possible way out of This mess is

    Not sure which Centralia you're referring to, but I lived in Centralia, Illinois for about eight years. I'd met a lesbian or two while living there, but I can't truly say I saw any legit fairies.
  11. actionsub

    The only possible way out of This mess is

    Any scenario in which Trump is halted in his quest to regain the White House, be it a judge or the Grim Reaper, is going to create "more mess" from his followers. If he's imprisoned, the MAGAs riot. If he drops dead, the MAGAs will spread a narrative that it was the result of a "Deep State"...
  12. actionsub

    Disciples of Christ - The first non denominational church?

    Quite the opposite. Part of the larger Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) broke off from the LCMS over a variety of issues, including women's ordination and a trend toward liberalism that was rejected by the LCMS. (Google "Seminex" for a more detailed explanation.) ELCA is the...
  13. actionsub

    Why the Apocryphal Books Rejected as Scripture.

    Divorce and remarriage in my past is a major reason I'm not a Roman Catholic.
  14. actionsub

    Christmas Music. Sincerely Thread. Evil, or Not Evil ? When is too soon ? Are you the 3rd category of people everyone else thinks is annoying ?

    I wasn't taking your comment as being sarcastic at all. After reading some of your later posts where you defend your preference for so-called "vanilla" entertainment, you and I are of the same opinion. While I occasionally like a little violence mixed in (ex. pro wrestling and old TV westerns)...