Recent content by abacabb3

  1. abacabb3

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Nonsense, read the council. Nestorianism was contrasted with earlier saints during the council, pointing out his idea was against already established Orthodox doctrine.
  2. abacabb3

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Staniloae teaches that doctrines are clarified termiologically, but not substantially. So, the term hypostasis can be developed and clarified so this doctrine is clearer today than it was when St Paul wrote Heb 1:3, but they do not changed substantially (in RCism, they go from original fathers...
  3. abacabb3

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    Ephesus claims their theology was always that of the Church, quoting Scriptures and fathers to that effect. Vincent de Lerins with Ephsus asserts Nestorianism was never found before in the Church, that it lacks antiquity. What don't believe is that Heresy X is ok until a council convenes...
  4. abacabb3

    EO view of doctrinal development?

    The most serious article on the subject, as it contrasts Cardinal Newman with Fathr Dmitru Stanlioe's published work on the question is here: Staniloae’s Insight Into Orthodox Doctrinal Development
  5. abacabb3

    Ukraine Is Now 'Holy War,' Russian Church Declares

    War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. :(
  6. abacabb3

    What is Hopeful Universalism?

    This is not real history, regrettably. The Alexandrian synod condemned Origen in 400. Rome condemned Origen in the 490s. Even saints like Gregory of Nyssa make reference to eternal damnation in his writings, which may be why those who have not read Origen's voluminous works may have assumed that...
  7. abacabb3

    What is Hopeful Universalism?

    "Hopeful universalism" is a heresy. Scriptures and universal tradition are against this. May God save us (useless to say if we are all saved)!
  8. abacabb3

    Miracles of Saint John Maximovitch

    Marital fasting is done regularly during the regular fast days. This is not gnostic, any more than not eating steak during Lent.
  9. abacabb3

    Miracles of Saint John Maximovitch I'm not , other people yave voiced this
  10. abacabb3

    Miracles of Saint John Maximovitch

    Well, unless you can be more specific all I am saying there are more credible natural explanations. If you never sought a diagnosis, then not having one really does not seem that relevant. Mind you, I am not saying this is what occurred, but you just have not given us a basis here to really...
  11. abacabb3

    Miracles of Saint John Maximovitch

    Not really. Schizophrenia has voices that are not always audible.
  12. abacabb3

    Miracles of Saint John Maximovitch

    I know mentally ill people so honestly this does not really prove to much. There must be some tangible verification. Ive seen bonafide miracles like deleted tapes all of the sudden not being deleted after i checked again subsequent to prayer. Sure, i can be making stuff up so i dont claim thats...
  13. abacabb3

    Miracles of Saint John Maximovitch

    Elder Ephraim believed in marital fasting. Apparently this has been blown out of proportion.
  14. abacabb3

    Miracles of Saint John Maximovitch

    How do you know you werent hearing voices in your head? Honest question.
  15. abacabb3

    Modernism vs Traditionalism in Orthodoxy

    Yes, now we see why ROCOR had a schism, as some Russian expats and their children had long memories about how things are done in Russia. And hate to burst anyone's bubble, it probably wasn't very different before the revolution. This is why I think being obsessed with who is "getting it all...