Recent content by 1Tonne

  1. 1Tonne

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    So, I have given evidence in the OP of who the writer of the gospel of John may be. It is written in the text. You dismiss it. Not only did Jesus say that the one whom He loved was John, but also the Jews were so amazed that they exclaimed it loudly. People back then knew that Lazurus was the...
  2. 1Tonne

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    Are you saying that Lazurus was not a witness? Where does it say he is not? Sorry. I am not sure how you have proved that he is not the author or the book of John. Maybe I am missing something.
  3. 1Tonne

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    To personally see or hear what?
  4. 1Tonne

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    Sorry, I do not understand what you are saying. Regarding the discussion about Lazurus never dying. I do not know. But, interestingly, the disciples themselves were wondering if the author of the book of John would ever die and Jesus gave them a very vague answer that does not let us know...
  5. 1Tonne

    How many churches have discipleship programs and what do they entail?

    Just a side note: I read a small article that said that if we preached the Gospel in its fullness and we didn't downplay God's justice, or wrath, our depraved sin, or hell, then we would have less need for discipleship. Discipleship will still be needed but it will be a lot less. Often...
  6. 1Tonne

    "How do you become a Christian?"

    God loves us so much that He sent his son to pay our fine. We’ve earned the death penalty because of our sins, but Jesus took our punishment by dying on the cross for us. So, you and I broke God's law, the 10 Commandments, Jesus came and paid the fine. It is a bit like, if you are in a court of...
  7. 1Tonne

    Is the gift of prophecy, Evangelising? I think so.

    I was just given another verse that shows how telling others the Gospel is actually what prophecy is. We need to prophesy more. So, go and evangelise and tell people the Gospel. Testify about what He has done on the cross. Rev 19:10 ".......For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy"...
  8. 1Tonne

    Is the gift of prophecy, Evangelising? I think so.

    Continuing from 1 Cor 14:3 to verse 14 it says, "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church." The word "edifies" in Greek is "oikodomeō". It means to build up (from the foundation, which is Christ). So, if we go out and share the Gospel and evangelise...
  9. 1Tonne

    Is the gift of prophecy, Evangelising? I think so.

    1 Cor 14:1 says, "Pursue love, yet earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy." So, we are to desire that we may prophesy above other gifts. I believe that in this verse, the word "prophesy" simply means to tell others about our God, that they will one day be judged...
  10. 1Tonne

    how to reach your chinese friends for Jesus

    Hi Alex Sorry, I disagree with the first part of the statement, but I agree with the second part. The Gospel is spelt out in 1 Cor 15:3-4. It says, "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day." So, the Gospel message is...
  11. 1Tonne

    The scariest thing about God

    We should all have reverence and fear for God. Reverence is respect, and fear is like awe. When the atom bombs were dropped on Japan, the pilots looked back and saw the massive mushroom cloud. They knew that they were not under the power of the bomb as they were in the safety of their plane, but...
  12. 1Tonne

    Witnessing at a pagan festival in a storm

    Just thought I would look up the Greek meaning for "Belief" The KJV translates Strong's G4100 in the following manner: believe, commit unto, commit to (one's) trust , be committed unto , be put in trust with , be commit to one's trust , believer...
  13. 1Tonne

    Witnessing at a pagan festival in a storm

    I think you are arguing semantics. So, I think I will end the conversation here. Keep sharing the Gospel. God Bless
  14. 1Tonne

    Witnessing at a pagan festival in a storm

    In the tract, it talks about the free gift and it mentions that we should trust and repent to receive this. I do not see any need to change that. It seems you believe that it needs to be worded in a specific way otherwise the person will not be saved. The way I see it is that if someone puts...