Homosexual Marriage in America


Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Reborn, obviously we enforce God's standard in our churches. That's a given. We are not going to get a Supreme Court decision overturned. We need to focus our energy where it matters now.

1 Peter is the field manual for how to live as the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven--aliens, sojourners, and pilgrims--in this world. We have to keep in mind that we are, yes, aliens here. As it says in 1 Peter, the natives of this world "will think it strange" that we don't do the same things they do, and will "revile" us for it.

1 Peter also identifies us as a spiritual house built of uncut stones, laid on Jesus who is the uncut cornerstone of this spiritual house.

Now, concept of the "uncut stone" goes all the way back to the Mosaic Law, where the Iraelites were commanded to build their altars of uncut stones (which means the same thing as "living stone"--a stone that has not had the death of a knife put to it). And of course, we see in Daniel that Christ is the uncut stone.

But the consideration of an uncut stone as a cornerstone requires some thought of what the ramifications are, and getting the clear picture of that analogy into our heads.

A cornerstone was the most carefully cut stone in the entire building. Back before we had modern measurement tools, builders cut one stone as perfectly square as possible. Then they set that stone at the corner of the foundation and built the walls to align perfectly with it. The success of the building depended on the conrnerstone being cut pefectly to the design specifications.

The idea of an uncut conerstone is a paradox--an oxymoron. If you base the building on a stone that's not shaped properly, there is no way it's going to fit the builder's design.

And that's the point--Jesus does not fit any human builder's design. If you try to fit an uncut stone into the human design, it breaks the design. And if you find a Jesus who does fit any human design--that's not the real Jesus.

But in 1 Peter, all of us are uncut stones based on Jesus as the uncut cornerstone to form a building of uncut stones. Guess what: This is not a building that will be approved by any neighborhood association.
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Mar 1, 2013
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we cant stop the govt. they shove their agenda down our throats. we cant stop this gay marriage. we cant stop the coming persecution, all we can do is get ready, and our pastors are going to have to start using wisdom.
in Canada its illegal to speak from the pulpit now against homosexuality. and pastors are forced to perform gay marriages against their religious beliefs if a gay couple asks them to. the penalty is huge fines. to be honest, there is no real need to preach against homosexuality in a church filled with non homosexuals. just preach the gospel. and even when you are trying to reach a person who happens to be gay, dont worry about the sin, just give them the gospel and love them. they have to get saved FIRST before God will begin to deal with the sin in the persons life. Gays believe they cant change. and they cant, on their own. Only the power of God can deliver and change them. so to tell a gay person to stop being gay is pointless, you will lose them, so dont go there. just give them the gospel same as you would any other sinner. I know what i am talking about, have helped many gays come to faith in Christ. worked ten yrs in ex-gay chrsitian ministry, which soon will be illegal. But God will still save them if we will still preach the gospel and love them.
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Servant of the Most High
Jul 19, 2009
Colorado Springs, CO
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Miss Marple, we can't give up. I know that as we approach the Last Days, persecution will increase. But we must persevere.

In terms of ministering to the gay, we can't give up. Condemnation doesn't work. I know from personal experience. Because of condemnation, I turned my back on Jesus when I was 23 to "come out". Love and prayer is what it takes. We have to overlook the sin and let the Love of Christ show. Most gay men and women won't hear us, but we must fight for every one we can save.
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A voice crying in the wilderness
Jul 26, 2004
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I was saved in 1972 after listening to one of the sailors aboard the ship on which I was deployed speak of Jesus. It was a simple talk we had, and yet it had a powerfully transforming influence.

Back at home port, I knew I had to find fellowship somewhere and was attracted to a band of long-haired, sandal wearing believers who met in a large, dated home next to the beach. Among those who attended, little did I know, were "former" gays who turned to Christ about the time I did. I am, and always have been, straight, by the way.

Despite all the talk one heard regarding the sinfulness of gay living, the "former" gays I knew who came to the Lord never truly overcame their urges. One of them grew to be a well respected Bible teacher, tried to hide his leanings from his students, but eventually left his faith for academics and a full-on homosexual lifestyle. Another returned to his hometown where he reentered a flamboyant gay lifestyle; and, yet another, was arrested for sexually abusing young boys while in the employ of a Christian school.

Truth is, from within my experience among "former" gays who fellowshipped in the home meetings of my early days, I have no marvelous testimonies to share that would affirm the willingness and ability of God to transform a homosexual, as all of the ones I knew either returned wholeheartedly to the lifestyle or desperately struggle daily with their inward feelings.
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Jul 4, 2004
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I was saved in 1972 after listening to one of the sailors aboard the ship on which I was deployed speak of Jesus. It was a simple talk we had, and yet it had a powerfully transforming influence.

Back at home port, I knew I had to find fellowship somewhere and was attracted to a band of long-haired, sandal wearing believers who met in a large, dated home next to the beach. Among those who attended, little did I know, were "former" gays who turned to Christ about the time I did. I am, and always have been, straight, by the way.

Despite all the talk one heard regarding the sinfulness of gay living, the "former" gays I knew who came to the Lord never truly overcame their urges. One of them grew to be a well respected Bible teacher, tried to hide his leanings from his students, but eventually left his faith for academics and a full-on homosexual lifestyle. Another returned to his hometown where he reentered a flamboyant gay lifestyle; and, yet another, was arrested for sexually abusing young boys while in the employ of a Christian school.

Truth is, from within my experience among "former" gays who fellowshipped in the home meetings of my early days, I have no marvelous testimonies to share that would affirm the willingness and ability of God to transform a homosexual, as all of the ones I knew either returned wholeheartedly to the lifestyle or desperately struggle daily with their inward feelings.
Just like most men. Just because I'm not going to lust after other men, doesn't mean I can let my guard down. Gay men would have to keep their guard up against lust after men, just as the rest of us have to keep our guard up against lust after women. Everything else is just justification.
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Mar 1, 2013
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homosexuality is very difficult to leave. first of all, if the roots of it arent dealt with, and healed, eventually the person, as described in the above post, will return to it. Also, the person has to realise that when you leave the enemy's camp, he will try to get you back. He will try every dirty trick he can come up with. He will hound you and harrass you and tempt you continually. For a person trying to leave homosexuality and walk with the Lord, this usually becomes a long running battle and if he/she doesnt have strong christians walking alongside to help and support, its all too common for the person to give up.
You see, the enemy will tempt the person with gay feelings, and will whisper into his mind "see, you are still gay!" the key is for the person to realise that is satan and is a LIE, to stand against it and to choose to believe Gods truth about him. Few christian churches know how to stand by and work with and help those coming out of homosexuality. Instead many christians spend their time judging, bashing, and hating homosexuals.
That said, there are millions upon millions of christians who left the lifestyle for good and are changed and healed.
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But in a good way...
Sep 7, 2013
United States
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The company i work for,Hobby Lobby,somewhat famous for their current legal battle against Obama's health plan,does in fact allow homosexual managers in it's stores. Whether knowingly or not,if the employees are aware of it,one would assume the hiring recruiter(s) would or should be as well. In fact my old store manager was married to his "partner" even when it was still illegal in this state,as I was informed one day by a co-worker who actually attended the public "ceremony". She even told me one of the managers at my old store was gay. Even a co-manager who was a former minister overseas,had returned to his former lifestyle,even adopting the obvious mannerisms(speech,etc.).
My point being is that this is more widespread than many know,and even now accepted in so-called "christian" circles. Almost like these people are purposely trying to infiltrate certain companies with Christian foundations and principles.

As for the lifestyle itself,i would agree it is no doubt a terrible "addiction" to overcome and one must have some kind of group support system as with any type of what i would term an obsessive/compulsive disorder,which i myself have suffered with. But that is for a professional to determine on each individual case. From what i've learned,some people seemingly have no past trauma of any kind that would draw them into this behavior,but almost is like something you're born with. Maybe God gives each of us inner burdens to deal with and overcome,with some obviously greater than others. I guess HE alone knows the big WHY behind it all,and leaning on HIM and the Holy Spirit may be the only real cure for most who involved in this life "choice". One can still "choose" to do what DOESN't feel good.
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But in a good way...
Sep 7, 2013
United States
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Just to followup on the last post--I wanted to make clear that I do agree an employer cannot discriminate based on sexual preference,nor at any time should inquire even in a subtle way as to why an employee is single or without a girl friend. But I would also think that hiring a manager to be head and supervisor over MANY people is a lot different than hiring a regular associate. And even those like myself can be questioned about some misdemeanor commited 20 years ago,but apparently not about any possible illegal "union",even if known by the hiring personnel. It just seems like employers could investigate your past in detail and refuse to hire someone based on some petty thing,which is in itself a form of discrimination. Basically you can be judged by your past actions but not by your present moral stance. Unless you're a professing Christian,which could be viewed as a moral deficiency/liability by some. Just my take on it.
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Please go to your facebook profile and change you pic to the image I am sending in link. Please ask others on you friends list to do the same. If you can do this for the rest of the week, that would be great.


Take a stand for the Marriage Covenant with me. Copy or save this pic to computer or phone. Then just upload it to you profile pic. God defines marriage as between male and female. This is not a opinion. It isn't hate. It is just standing up for what God says a marriage is. The Word is Truth. There is in reality no such thing as homosexual marriage, that is why groups are seeking to have it redefined.
personally, I see no where that Jesus ever told us to fight political battles. Yes, I vote, pro-life. Jesus never forced His beliefs on anyone, we accept Him and the cross or we don't. I suggest our churches stand up and refuse to marry homosexuals in the church but as far as the gov't goes, my problem with homosexual marriage is they will teach homosexuality in the schools as just one other option.... pre-pubescent kids will be experimenting with things they don't understand. No one has yet to determine if homosexuality is biological or environmental.... but these are people. They may be Christians, or atheists but one way or the other they deserve common respect. As far as homosexuality, they are sinners like the rest of us, if they accept Christ and repent even though they may struggle, they can be saved.

The divorce rate is over 50% I think the sanctity of marriage sailed a long time ago..... what happens in church is their business, what happens to our kids, in school is our business, but the law of the land is what it is. It was much worse in Christ's day and He never lead a moratorium or focused on the corrupt and evil culture, except for the religious folks.

If you had an opportunity to share the gospel in N.Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran or China, would you focus on their laws or on the people? If you approach other cultures with your preconceived ideas about what their country should act like, you might very well hinder the gospel. Most countries outlaw homosexuality but have other crimes that are not illegal that kill or hurt many many people... we would still focus on spreading the gospel and not on their laws..... Jesus changes hearts, that changes cultures... tell them He loves them with an everlasting love and stop looking at them as any worse then the adulterers, perverts and baby killers that attend our churches now.
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Junior Member
May 2, 2013

This Homosexual - Equal - Marriage discussion is such a distraction from real problems of the world. It is fed to the populous in order to make them feel like they indeed control a kernel of politics, when the reality is that they are so removed from any type of political influence - and that their voice would never be taken seriously. It is a "problem" that has been calibrated for Serf/public control - like racism, sexism, classism, etc. When quantum electrodynamics, RSA Cryptography, or stellar structure and evolution come up, the "experts" handle those issues, and the serfs/people magically lose their profound opinion/say on the subject. Why is that (and, really think about it)? Don't feed the trolls; God knows His sheep. People who are homosexual [at some level] know they are not doing natural things. There is no need to straddle the issue when there are larger issues at hand.
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Look up Romans 1:25-27 There are other places in both the Old and New Testaments where homosexuality is mentioned as a sin.
Anyone who has any depth of experience in deliverance ministry, will tell you there is a homosexual spirit, that inhabits the physical body of a person subverting their sexuality.

The demonic or homosexual spirit primary function is to expand the kingdom of darkness - the kingdom of Satan upon the earth - and I believe that the act of homosexual sex is a form of satanic worship. The demonic spirit is in direct submission to Satan and when someone commits a homosexual act the spirit and the person are offering themselves up to Satan in a form of satanic sanctification/worship - all be it unwittingly on the part of person - for the extension of the kingdom of darkness. I also believe that the love that homosexuals have for one another is a manifestation of the love that the demon has for Satan.

.... you've got some really strong feelings about homosexuals... what do you think about baby killers, perverts, adulterers, child molesters, child abusers, drunkards, slanderers, thieves, blasphemers, gossips, gluttons, prostitutes, sex workers, drug dealers and all the rest of the sinners walking free..... they too are submitting to Satan.... Jesus went to the cross and took their sins just like yours, their is no hierarchy for sin... just sinners in need of a Savior.....
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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.... you've got some really strong feelings about homosexuals... what do you think about baby killers, perverts, adulterers, child molesters, child abusers, drunkards, slanderers, thieves, blasphemers, gossips, gluttons, prostitutes, sex workers, drug dealers and all the rest of the sinners walking free..... they too are submitting to Satan.... Jesus went to the cross and took their sins just like yours, their is no hierarchy for sin... just sinners in need of a Savior.....

andrea i think you know i agree with you on not dissecting sin into catagories of worse or less.

so lets take out the word homosexual and look at the topic of .(another label haha) "same sex marriage "

this act has been a demonic agenda -this act i have no doubt ,brings the wrath and righteous judgment of God .
It is nothing to do with individuals struggle or bound in sin and everything to do with spitting in the face of God - it is a demonic inspired activity .
in society it has no need of existence what so ever .
i speak of worldly society - even in the wickedness of the world it has no rhyme or reason to exist .. defacto men and woman display this - they live unmarried with every legal equality they desire .. and so do peole living together in every other sin - So the question remains ...?
What logical , legal , social "need" is there for same sex marriage - and the answer is NONE .

the thief comes only for these reasons - to lie to steal and to destroy
and that is the only motive behind same sex marriage - that they cal it marriage is A LIE. it STEALS the meaning of marriage and mocks every married couple on earth and it DESTROYS the family unit by perpetuating that lie .

this sect of society is the most dishonest intolerant movement of any I have ever seen -0they not only will not allow for the beliefs of others they desire to steal those values from us . they stole the word "gay " (to be in a light hearted cheerful mood ){a lie} they use the symbol of the promise of God that he would not destroy the whole earth again by flood for their WICKEDNESS as their icon (i speak of the RAIN BOW of course) and now they do not seek equality - they already had legal equality - they seek dominance over everything Godly and take what is precious to Christians as their own falsely, usurping this authority and spitting in the face of their creator with same sex marriage ..

they will not stop until they have gained the legal right and ability to put anyone who speaks against them to death ...
(of course in that last sentence i speak of all this climaxing in the end time of the beast with a death penalty for not submitting )
it is all about greed lust and power.. the three things that can NEVER be satisfied - the 3 things that NEVER say ,"it is enough"
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andrea i think you know i agree with you on not dissecting sin into catagories of worse or less.

so lets take out the word homosexual and look at the topic of .(another label haha) "same sex marriage "

this act has been a demonic agenda -this act i have no doubt ,brings the wrath and righteous judgment of God .
It is nothing to do with individuals struggle or bound in sin and everything to do with spitting in the face of God - it is a demonic inspired activity .
in society it has no need of existence what so ever .
i speak of worldly society - even in the wickedness of the world it has no rhyme or reason to exist .. defacto men and woman display this - they live unmarried with every legal equality they desire .. and so do peole living together in every other sin - So the question remains ...?
What logical , legal , social "need" is there for same sex marriage - and the answer is NONE .

the thief comes only for these reasons - to lie to steal and to destroy
and that is the only motive behind same sex marriage - that they cal it marriage is A LIE. it STEALS the meaning of marriage and mocks every married couple on earth and it DESTROYS the family unit by perpetuating that lie .

this sect of society is the most dishonest intolerant movement of any I have ever seen -0they not only will not allow for the beliefs of others they desire to steal those values from us . they stole the word "gay " (to be in a light hearted cheerful mood ){a lie} they use the symbol of the promise of God that he would not destroy the whole earth again by flood for their WICKEDNESS as their icon (i speak of the RAIN BOW of course) and now they do not seek equality - they already had legal equality - they seek dominance over everything Godly and take what is precious to Christians as their own falsely, usurping this authority and spitting in the face of their creator with same sex marriage ..

they will not stop until they have gained the legal right and ability to put anyone who speaks against them to death ...
(of course in that last sentence i speak of all this climaxing in the end time of the beast with a death penalty for not submitting )
it is all about greed lust and power.. the three things that can NEVER be satisfied - the 3 things that NEVER say ,"it is enough"

...and you could be right...or not. I'm well aware of the problem of "the homosexual agenda".... I had two gay brothers and one gay sister.... 2 others were bi-sexual. I feel fortunate not to have had to deal with those issues but they are very near and dear to me. I have to take people as individuals.... each one having the opportunity to accept or reject Christ. Homosexuals are no different then the sexually promiscuous heteroes.
The thing about gay marriage is not what two people do - I don't think I should force anyone to believe what I do... its the fact that the agenda includes teaching kids, young pre-teens that homosexuality is just another choice they may want to make... or not. How many young people will experiment and get into things they would not have otherwise?? It wasn't enough that AIDS warned us as a nation, sex is a life and death matter....

as a society we have followed Hollywood instead of Christ, that said, we as a church are not ... well its sad all the way around. When was the last time you heard the good news of Jesus Christ... when it was actually good news. Its either a scandal or its a controversy. It saddens me but it is not the reason we are a fallen country it is the symptom....

When you know what took place in my family, then you might have some sympathy for these people... introduced to sex as toddlers.... before they could even form an idea... my father abused his step children who in turn abused his children... who in turn abused mine. But the sad part is they never knew it was so bad, it had gone on since before they could remember and it was always the 'dirty lil secret'. Can you imagine, that happening to you since you were two or three years old?? My one brother gave his life to Christ - then found out he had AIDS... he was not sorry to die, He wanted to go home. How many others have similar stories, you'd be stunned.... my gay sister doesn't think kids should be introduced to sex by the school, she is a teacher. Mature and loving, definitely confused, I expect her to accept Christ one day... I can only pray.
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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...and you could be right...or not. I'm well aware of the problem of "the homosexual agenda".... I had two gay brothers and one gay sister.... 2 others were bi-sexual. I feel fortunate not to have had to deal with those issues but they are very near and dear to me. I have to take people as individuals.... each one having the opportunity to accept or reject Christ. Homosexuals are no different then the sexually promiscuous heteroes.
The thing about gay marriage is not what two people do - I don't think I should force anyone to believe what I do... its the fact that the agenda includes teaching kids, young pre-teens that homosexuality is just another choice they may want to make... or not. How many young people will experiment and get into things they would not have otherwise?? It wasn't enough that AIDS warned us as a nation, sex is a life and death matter....

as a society we have followed Hollywood instead of Christ, that said, we as a church are not ... well its sad all the way around. When was the last time you heard the good news of Jesus Christ... when it was actually good news. Its either a scandal or its a controversy. It saddens me but it is not the reason we are a fallen country it is the symptom....

When you know what took place in my family, then you might have some sympathy for these people... introduced to sex as toddlers.... before they could even form an idea... my father abused his step children who in turn abused his children... who in turn abused mine. But the sad part is they never knew it was so bad, it had gone on since before they could remember and it was always the 'dirty lil secret'. Can you imagine, that happening to you since you were two or three years old?? My one brother gave his life to Christ - then found out he had AIDS... he was not sorry to die, He wanted to go home. How many others have similar stories, you'd be stunned.... my gay sister doesn't think kids should be introduced to sex by the school, she is a teacher. Mature and loving, definitely confused, I expect her to accept Christ one day... I can only pray.

it is not that i lack sympathy ,but such sympathy can only be acted upon with the presentation of the Gospel - and i must point out i was speaking in terms far more reaching then the "intellectual gay agenda" . - being the agenda of the antichrist .

i knew a man who had been a drug addict , got saved became a wonderful missionary worker in a rehap for the por in spain , then also found he had contracted aids from his needle using days .. he died a year or 2 later still working for the lord until his health prevented him ..

i guess what your pointing out is that he never had to struggle with the added stigma of "how" he came to have aids .he didn't have to suffer the gospel via judgment .
If we were to change our attitudes it would be a truly good thing , if we view all people struggling in any sin as prisoners (addicts ) to it . some who desire to be free some who do not yet desire it ..but we desire it for them .. then a lot of the uncalled for judgments would fall away and the message would start getting through :)
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it is not that i lack sympathy ,but such sympathy can only be acted upon with the presentation of the Gospel - and i must point out i was speaking in terms far more reaching then the "intellectual gay agenda" . - being the agenda of the antichrist .

i knew a man who had been a drug addict , got saved became a wonderful missionary worker in a rehap for the por in spain , then also found he had contracted aids from his needle using days .. he died a year or 2 later still working for the lord until his health prevented him ..

i guess what your pointing out is that he never had to struggle with the added stigma of "how" he came to have aids .he didn't have to suffer the gospel via judgment .
If we were to change our attitudes it would be a truly good thing , if we view all people struggling in any sin as prisoners (addicts ) to it . some who desire to be free some who do not yet desire it ..but we desire it for them .. then a lot of the uncalled for judgments would fall away and the message would start getting through :)

thank you, you get it.... the church in general does not deal well with sinners.... funny bc if we just look at ourselves and what Christ accomplished in us, its easy to see what He can do with others. But for people who think they are 'good' it is a rough road to sit and eat with those called an abomination. I have no righteousness of my own, it does not matter how I act, it is still not good enough. Only the blood of Christ makes me righteous.

So my salvation is not dependent on my actions, it is dependent on my faithing in Him. He has slowly removed all the old sinful desires, but during that process I was still saved. Our salvation is not an on again off again thing...... correct? I struggled with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc etc etc..... was I saved during my struggle. At one point it got so bad, I had to tell the Lord I knew I was going to hell, but I would still love Him. He gave me a vision (a gift) it was Him with His nail pierced hands reaching down for me, He said "but "I" won't let you. Still makes me cry. I knew then that He was going to accomplish in me what I could not.... it was soon after I was delivered from drugs. In the vision were people under bridges, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc ... He was caring for them too.
So when I talk to gay people I tell them, let God be your judge, He loves you with an everlasting love and your sin is no different then mine. Don't look at your sin, look at Jesus. So if they then struggle with homosexuality and they are in Christ -- faithing - then they are saved.
I am not more saved today then I was the first day, 30 years ago. I am different, at peace and always always in Him, but not more saved. So tell gay people, reprobates, the totally lost... look at Jesus.
God bless, andrea
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Oct 29, 2008
England UK
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thank you, you get it.... the church in general does not deal well with sinners.... funny bc if we just look at ourselves and what Christ accomplished in us, its easy to see what He can do with others. But for people who think they are 'good' it is a rough road to sit and eat with those called an abomination. I have no righteousness of my own, it does not matter how I act, it is still not good enough. Only the blood of Christ makes me righteous.

So my salvation is not dependent on my actions, it is dependent on my faithing in Him. He has slowly removed all the old sinful desires, but during that process I was still saved. Our salvation is not an on again off again thing...... correct? I struggled with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc etc etc..... was I saved during my struggle. At one point it got so bad, I had to tell the Lord I knew I was going to hell, but I would still love Him. He gave me a vision (a gift) it was Him with His nail pierced hands reaching down for me, He said "but "I" won't let you. Still makes me cry. I knew then that He was going to accomplish in me what I could not.... it was soon after I was delivered from drugs. In the vision were people under bridges, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc ... He was caring for them too.
So when I talk to gay people I tell them, let God be your judge, He loves you with an everlasting love and your sin is no different then mine. Don't look at your sin, look at Jesus. So if they then struggle with homosexuality and they are in Christ -- faithing - then they are saved.
I am not more saved today then I was the first day, 30 years ago. I am different, at peace and always always in Him, but not more saved. So tell gay people, reprobates, the totally lost... look at Jesus.
God bless, andrea

Great post, thank you Andrea your a blessing,
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
Marital Status
thank you, you get it.... the church in general does not deal well with sinners.... funny bc if we just look at ourselves and what Christ accomplished in us, its easy to see what He can do with others. But for people who think they are 'good' it is a rough road to sit and eat with those called an abomination. I have no righteousness of my own, it does not matter how I act, it is still not good enough. Only the blood of Christ makes me righteous.

So my salvation is not dependent on my actions, it is dependent on my faithing in Him. He has slowly removed all the old sinful desires, but during that process I was still saved. Our salvation is not an on again off again thing...... correct? I struggled with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc etc etc..... was I saved during my struggle. At one point it got so bad, I had to tell the Lord I knew I was going to hell, but I would still love Him. He gave me a vision (a gift) it was Him with His nail pierced hands reaching down for me, He said "but "I" won't let you. Still makes me cry. I knew then that He was going to accomplish in me what I could not.... it was soon after I was delivered from drugs. In the vision were people under bridges, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc ... He was caring for them too.
So when I talk to gay people I tell them, let God be your judge, He loves you with an everlasting love and your sin is no different then mine. Don't look at your sin, look at Jesus. So if they then struggle with homosexuality and they are in Christ -- faithing - then they are saved.
I am not more saved today then I was the first day, 30 years ago. I am different, at peace and always always in Him, but not more saved. So tell gay people, reprobates, the totally lost... look at Jesus.
God bless, andrea

yes -wonderful post and awesome testimony
it has been a pleasure discussing with you :)
God Bless you
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Gospel Guy

Headed Home!
Aug 11, 2013
Word of Faith
This Homosexual - Equal - Marriage discussion is such a distraction from real problems of the world.

But for the US... this is going to be the last straw that brings forth God's judgement. It's bad enough we've murdered millions of innocent little babies, but now we are excluding God out of all areas of life.

If you demand God to get out... eventually He will, and then comes the destruction that was being held off due to His presence.

Right after the catching away of the church (when Christians living as overcomers are taken to Heaven as reward for being a overcomer... the rest of the Christians will be left behind)... they gonna be some bad times in the good 'ol USA like there never has been before.

It ain't gonna be nuthin nice...
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